Chapter 6

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I am so sorry! I havent updated in forever! You are free to yell at me! Sorry this chapter is short but I will try to make the next one longer!

Chapter 6

"Why are you all smirking?" I asked them.

They just smirked even more.

"Okay seriously guys it's starting to creep us out!" Peyton said.

The guys just all looked at each other and nodded.

"Guys what are you-ahhh!" I didnt get to finish my sentence before I was tossed into the water below along with Peyton and Jen. I popped my head back up from under water to find the boys litterally rolling on the ground laughing. I glared at them and swam over to the edge, my evil mind hatching a plan for revenge.

I waited for them to calm down and then put on my best lost puppy face.

"Can someone please help me out? I asked sticking my arm out of the water towards them.

"Sure." Cameron said getting up and walking over to me. He grabbed my hand to pull me out but I pulled him in instead.

When his head finally came up I was laughing and I started laughing harder when I saw his face. He just looked in utter shock at what I did. I heard a huge splash behind me and turned around to see that Peyton and Jen tugged Spencer and Jacob in as well. We were all laughing our asses off as the guys just looked at us like we were crazy....then they started smirking again.

"Okay what is it with you and all the smirking?" I asked them.

"Oh, no reason." Spencer said.

Then all the guys lunged at us.

"Ahhh what the fuck!" I screamed right before Spencer dunked me under the water. He tugged me back up and I was coughing out water.

"What-the fuck-was that for?" I asked in between coughs. It was right then that I realized how close we were...and that he was holding me around my waist.

"Uh, can you let go of me?" I asked trying to squirm out of his grip. He just pulled me closer and I made the fatal mistake of making eye contact with him. He started leaning towards me the same way Cameron did on that first day in the lake. I tried moving away but he just kept moving closer. My mind raced with a few thoughts.

I cant kiss him! Hes like a brother!

What would Peyton even think of it?

Do I want to kiss him? Nahh...or do I?

Oh geez I don't have a clue!

And then we were interupted the same way as the first day. With a splash. Spencer abruptly moved away and I turned to see my savior which turned out to be Cameron. He looked unamused. I just gave him a weak smile.

"What's going on?" Peyton asked swiming over to us. Jen was right on her tail.

"Nothing." We all said in unison.

"Well okay then. How about we go back to camp to get some lunch? I'm starving!"


"Can you pass me a drink?" I asked Jacob. We were all sitting around the little fire eating hotdogs. We were all still wet from the little incident but we were slowly drying off.

"Sure." He said reaching for a water bottle then tossing it over to me. I was sitting across from the boys in order to try to stay away from them. We have had way to many almost moments and I need to sort everything out before something else happens. I dont know why...but I'm getting a little feeling that they might like me (Note the sarcasm). I'm also debating whether or not to tell Peyton and Jen.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Peyton asked breaking me from my thoughts.

"I don't know. I'm actually kind of beat right now." Jen said with a yawn to prove her point.

"But it's only 1:00 right now." Jacob whinned.

"Yeah. I want to do something." Spencer said avoiding eye contact wih me.

"How about we all play capture the flag?" Cameron asked. He deliberately made eye contact with me and smiled. Whoa, someones being bold!

"No, not right now. It's more fun at night." Peyton said.

"Ya know, how about we all take some naps and then later we can play." I suggested. Everyone said their agreements.

"Alright then. Tonight we play capture the flag, boys against girls." Jen said standing up to head to our tent.

Well this should be interesting.

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