Chapter 5

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Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but its here now!

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Man I gotta pee

I know plesant right? Well sorry I havent peed since lunch time yesterday. Man, I cant believe we've only been here a day. Anyways I need to go pee.

I forced my eyes open, yawned, and went to stretch but I couldnt move my arms.....da fuq?

I looked around in the dim light and first noticed that everyone was still sleeping.

I moved my attention to the reason my arms werent moving. I was laying on my side and noticed a couple different arms around me. Again....da fuq? I looked infront of me and squinted through the darkness to see Spencer was cuddling up next to me. Again.....DA fuq?! Well that explained one pair of arms but what about the others? I turned my head to see who the other arms belonged to and noticed Cameron was cuddling with me too. WHAT DA FUQ IS GOIN ON?! I pondered that thought for a second before I was reminded of why I was up in the first place......I HAVE TO PEE!

I quickly but carefully untangled their arms from me and quietly made my way out of the tent.

I then realized what I had to. In order to get to the little bathroom for the site I'm going to have to wander through the forest IN THE DARK because I was too stupid to remember to grab a flash light.



"THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE!" I shouted/sang as I got back into the clearing where camp was set up. 5 faces looked up at me.

"OMG where were you? We were worried sick!" Jeanelle said running over to me and enveloped me into a huge hug.

"Why didnt you tell us where you were going!" Peyton said joining the hug.

"Well sorry but I was a little preoccupied with the fact that my bladder was about to burst." I said matter of fact as they released me from their deadly grip.

"So whats for breakfast!" I said ignoring the looks they just gave me.

"Fruit." Jacob said holding up his little styrofoam bowl. I stuck my lip out walking over to where the guys were. I'm trying to pretend the little incident last night with the cuddling never happened. I am very bad in awkward situations. I swear if two awkward turtles had a baby the offspring would be me.

"Where's the bacon and eggs!" I said to them. They all looked at each other.

"Well none of us can cook except you and since you werent here we all decided to spare the eggs from their grusome fate and settled for fruit." Cameron said.

He looked kind of uncomfortable so I guess he remembered the situation from last night. To cover it up he tried to be a cool cat and lean up against a tree but he failed miserably and ended up on the ground. I burst out laughing and so did everyone else.

"Hey its not funny!" He said trying to be serious but I could see the smile tugging at his lips.

"Oh its okay. If I make bacon and eggs will you feel better?" I said teasingly.

"Yes!" The three boys yelled simultaneouly and then procced to jump up and start dancing around like a bunch of wackos. Me, Peyton, and Jeanelle just stood there lauhing and leaning on each other for support.

We're all just a buch of nuts!





"Yes you have to! I won the bet!" I yelled at Spencer.

"No I'm not doing it!" He yelled back at me.

A little while ago I bet him that he couldnt eat as much bacon as me. He agreed even though everyone knew that that was a suckers bet. Since I won he now has to carry me up the hill on our hike. He doesnt want to though because he thinks I cheated. How do you cheat for eating bacon?

"Come on! It's not like I'm fat or anything!" I said crossing my arms.

"No I'm not doing it!" He said.

"Well why not?!" I asked. He started looking uncomfortable. He must remember the little cuddling issue too.

"Because....uh....well you see....Oh fine!" He said.

"Yay!" I said and we all got ready for the hike. A few minutes later we were all ready.

"Carry me piggy back style." I said walking over to Spencer. He rolled his eyes and bent down a little so I could get on his back. He was at least a good 5 inches taller than me. I hopped on and wrapped my arms around his neck being careful not to choke him.

"Now onward steed!" I said pointing dramatically over at the hill.

We were walking for a while and Spencer didnt seem to have any trouble carrying me. See? I told you all I wasnt fat! All the sudden we came to a little clearing with a cool little pool with a mini waterfall.

"Wow thats so pretty!" Peyton said looking over it. All the guys looked at each other and smirked.

Uh oh...this cant be good.

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