chapter 6

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I look down at my phone and all I saw as a random number so I answer with a "hello who is this."I herd a hi and I suddenly new who it was that deep sexy voice it was Brendan I almost fell out my chair with excitement. We talk for like hours when we were talking I took my clothes of and changed in to a pair of booty shorts a tank top and slippers my hair was being annoying so I made a tight bun.We talked till we went to bed.Of course I got woken  up by my mom her saying to get ready for school I was lazy to day so I just decided to wear yoga pants my pierce the veil sweat shirt cause long sleeve shirt are so comfy to me. Then I wore my black vans and did my make-up with a fishtail braid   on the side.I left then got on the bus I am the second one on the bus then we picked up Brendan and he looked great he sat beside me and I was day dreaming about us getting marred then the waved his hand in front of my face and I came back and he hugged me I was so happy nothing could make this day bad. Kayla got on and she sat up front because she was trying to avoid Brendan. we talked till we got to school then Brendan asked me out  ( YEA!!! ) so of course I said yes and so we went to our classes and I have no classes with him so I could not focus i'll I could do is think about him I wrote his name on my wrist and on my journal and my paper then i took his last name and put it as my last name. I was so happy then I got to my last class and I was counting down the minutes then I asked to go to the bathroom and when I walked out and go to the bathroom of course I saw my best friend Sara she was always in the bathroom just to get out of class and i told her every thing and we were both jumping with joy. then I asked her is she was going to get in trouble and how long she has been here and she said for like 19 minutes I was like what is your teacher going to think and she said she was just going to say that she had some really bad cramps I laughed and we went to class and then school was over and I left and looked for my friends and told them all about it that's when Brendan walked up and hugged me and all my friends said awwwwwww.


there is chapter five it gets better i promises i just had a blond moment this is chapter six lol any way hope y'all like it 

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