chapter 5

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I get of the bus and walking with the other students that got off my bus. one tried to talk to me but I was so happy I just walked away almost skipping I git home went to my room and threw my bag and layed there on my bed just a huge smile on my face thinking about what just happen over and over and over again. I just could not get over it. after that my mom walked in and asked why I was so happy I told her that I just had a great day at school then she told me dinner was ready, before she could leave I asked what we were having and of coerce we were having meatloaf. I HATE MEATLOAF! I love loaf of bread or any loaf of food but meatloaf I mean come on just dig me a grave here family. so I go to the dinning room and thank the lord for dogs. when we were saying grace i just slid my meatloaf on to the floor then I just ate my salad and drank my lemonade. my mo asked were my meatloaf was I told her I was just hungry. so it as just me my mom and my booger munching brother David. my mom and dad divorced awhile back but after stuffing my face and talking about school i when to my room and looked on Facebook when all of a sudden my phone vibrated and my minion banana ringtone when I looked down and saw someone was calling me.


I wonder who is calling her is it going to be brendan or that evil bitch kayla.

also sorry for not posting I been lazy cause of school. lets all be happy its summer yay i will try to post more !

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