thirty eight - white

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"You know, Jude is getting a little too big to be held up like that," I laugh, watching the way Jericho tries to lift Jude up by his stomach like he used to all the time, but Jude just barks at him and tries to get away from him.

Jericho doesn't have it and surrounds Jude in another hug, lifting the dog that has grown quite a bit since I first got him as a puppy, and holding him bridal style. Jericho smiles widely when Jude doesn't put up as great of a fight, sitting down beside me on the bed with Jude- who quickly scurries out of his arms as soon as he gets the chance. Jericho frowns, watching him go, but I just laugh and pull him in to kiss him. Leaning back, I smile and run a hand through his hair.

"I love you," I say.

"Hmm," Jericho kisses my neck. "Love you more."

Jude jumps in between us, causing us to tear apart and laugh loudly. Figuring he's just hungry, I grab Jericho's hand and pull him downstairs, Jude happily running after us. After reaching the kitchen and pouring food into Jude's food bowl, I wrap my arms around Jericho's neck again, eager to continue kissing but of course, we're interrupted once again, but this time by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shout.

Arsenio and Tallie appear through the front door, kicking off their winter boots and hanging up their coats. Arsenio no longer needs to wear crutches- he just got off them last month- but he still walks with a bad limp and his knee locks if he's on his feet for too long. For a while, Arsenio got seriously depressed with the situation- the depression of losing his soulmate and frustration of not being able to even get dressed on his own- but everyone was quick to keep him as busy as possible so he doesn't think about it as soon as we noticed he stopped wanting to get out of bed in the morning.

I've gotten to know Tallie a lot better and realized she's not exactly dealing with the loss of her soulmate great either. Thankfully, though, she hasn't succumbed to the depression that is trying to take over and, just like Arsenio, is trying to distract herself as much as possible.

Jamie and Mitchell are going strong as ever- they're constantly by each other's side and are obviously in love. Cole still hasn't found his soulmate, but it's fine- he still has plenty of time. As for Noel, Dominick, Silas and Caroline- they were seriously fined for vandalizing, breaking and entering and assault and were each given a criminal record. We haven't heard from them since but Arsenio and Tallie say they sometimes see them around their school. Luckily, though, the four aren't stupid enough to come up to them.

Jericho and I have applied to different colleges and are waiting for replies. We want to go to the same one- I don't think either of us will be able to stand being away from each other. Arsenio, Tallie, Jamie and Mitch also applied for a bunch of different colleges- some of them the same ones that we did- while Cole decided to stay back for a victory lap so he can get a basketball scholarship for the college he really wants to go to.

All in all, things have been amazingly quiet ever since our whole prank with the rebels. There have been no trashed homes, no trashed memorials and no more broken knee caps.

"It's freezing outside," Arsenio grumbles, padding over to the kitchen in a heavy sweater and sweatpants (stylish as ever) and instantly going in my cupboards, looking for the hot chocolate. "There's a fucking blizzard out there and I still have to take the bus to physical therapy later."

"I can drive you," Tallie assures. "What time?"

Taking out the powder and getting out my milk, he says, "Seven."

"Okay, I'll pick up pizza during your session." She turns to Jericho and I. "You guys up for a movie night tonight?"

"As long as it's not a horror movie," I say, shuddering. I hate horror movies.

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