twenty four - scarlet

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The next couple of weeks pass, thankfully, relatively smoothly. The rebels are quiet- there are no more Italian sayings written in red, no more trashed memorials and no more breaking and entering. I'm incredibly happy about that- not only because what they were doing was seriously starting to get to me, but also because finals are coming up and I don't need them as a distraction.

It also worries me, though. I'm scared that they're quiet because they're planning something big- something bigger than protests or trashing. Jericho assures that the only reason they're quiet is because they're already so silent is because they're already in so much trouble with the law. I just sighed, hoping he was right.

But anyway, now that the rebels aren't constantly on my mind, I have time to worry about a different culprit- finals. I seriously fell behind in the middle of the year, when I would skip or completely tune myself out in class during those three months. I'm seriously regretting that now, looking at the study sheet and realizing I don't have a clue what half the things on there mean.

It's a Thursday night, and I'm being faced with that very same problem, sitting at my desk with the harsh, white light of my table lamp shining onto my papers. None of that shine a light onto my problems, though, because I'm only getting more and more frustrated with flipping through the textbook and not being able to find what I need. Deciding I need a break, I whip out my phone.

Natalie: I'm going to fail.

Jericho: No you're not, you'll be fine.

Natalie: I don't know a thing on the study guide! I've never been good at bullshitting answers, that's your speciality.

Jericho: Just write something that sounds scientific-y. Like, 'An ionic bond can radiate Potassium (K) through the bonds that it forms during nuclear fusion'.

I roll my eyes at his reply as I question how the hell he's passing his courses.

Putting my phone away, I attempt to focus on studying for about twenty minutes before finally finishing what I had planned for today and closing my books with a sense of relief. Jude bounds into my room as soon as he hears me finishing up, probably hopeful I'll go with him on a walk. He got his vaccinations all down just last week and ever since then, has become obsessed with going outside.

I pick him up, ruffling his fur and kissing his nose, "How about you and I force Jericho to go down by the pond with us?"

Jude barks, agreeing with that idea. I laugh, putting him down and pulling on a light jacket- it's still chilly at night- before heading down, him following suit.

Natalie: Be ready, I'm picking you up in ten minutes.

Jericho: What?

Natalie: Jude wants you to come on a walk with us.

Jericho: Okay.

Jericho: For Jude.

Natalie: Glad to know who's more loved here.

Jericho: I'm always here for clarification! :)

Once I get Jude in the car- I'm still surprised how calm he is in a moving vehicle for a puppy- I turn the radio up, feeling in a lot better mood than I did before. Jude tries to climb into my lap, but every time I hit a red light I always take my time to put him back in the passenger's seat.

Finally, we get to Arsenio's place, where I give up on trying to get Jude to stay out of my lap. I text Jericho to come out, to which he replies that he's coming. He steps out in a white t-shirt and black sweatpants, messy hair and tired eyes- but of course, in my eyes, he still looks amazing.

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