twenty - teal

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"I can't believe you kneed him in the nuts," Jericho says, still laughing ten minutes after our confrontation with Noel. "Oh my God, Natalie, his face. I didn't even have to do anything!"

I'm smiling brightly, despite the harsh words that had been spat at us before. Jericho's in a good mood too, especially after I kneed Noel where the sun don't shine. I was a little concerned at first from the punch that Noel had landed on Jericho's cheek, but Jericho had assured me that it didn't hurt, and was so weak it probably wouldn't even bruise.

Instead of getting frozen yogurt, we decide to just order pizza at the motel and head back. I think after that, neither one of us really wanted to be outside. Although I had momentarily stopped Noel, there were still hundreds of rebels out there. Especially Noel's two friends who had trashed my house- Silas and Dominick. I'm guessing they're on probation, so even though it might be stupid and reckless of them to try anything, Noel did it so I can't rule it out as a possibility. Plus, Noel had made it clear all of Crooks Street is against Jericho.

Once we're back at the motel and we have our pizza- the pizza sitting on the bed beside Jericho while I lounge on the chair, my feet propped up on the mattress- my phone rings. I explain to my mom that I didn't come to school because I had to handle something with Jericho. I know under any other circumstances, she'd be a lot angrier, but she almost needs me to get along with Jericho, so she doesn't question it.

We're both about halfway through our first piece when he asks, "When did your parents meet?"

I pick off a pepperoni, tossing it in my mouth. "My dad was twenty-two and my mom was twenty. My dad was working at some grocery store to pay off his college tuition when my mom came to the check-out and they made contact when she was checking out an eggplant. I'm guessing you know what happened next."

Jericho scrunches up his nose, "I hate eggplants." I send him an amused look, to which he just smiles, "But cute story, I guess." His face drops slightly, taking a more serious turn. "Um, my parents met when they were both nineteen. So they were young. I mean, not as young as us and Jamie and Mitchell, but still, young."

I feel a knot of anticipation in my stomach when I realize Jericho is sharing something with me I never thought he would- his family, which I've come to realize is a really hard subject for him. Hesitantly, careful not to set him off, I ask, "How'd they met?"

Jericho has a small, reminiscing smile on his face as he says, "My dad had been driving back from some business trip a couple of states away. He was exhausted was starting to fall asleep on the wheel. He almost collided with a car but snapped out of it last minute and saved both of them. He pulled over on the side of the road and so had the other car to make sure he was okay. The driver of the other car was my mom."

"Wow," I whisper. "That's insane. I'm glad that accident was avoided."

"I don't think that they would've ended up crashing even under different circumstances. Fate played it out, they were planning that. At least that's what my mom used to tell me." His small smile fades into a frown. "I really shouldn't listen to her, though. She has a history of lying."

It's silent between us. That's when I know. It's time to knock down that last wall between us. It's taken us countless fights, agonizing dragging months and a whole lot of other obstacles, but I know we've finally reached the point. I get up from my chair, move the pizza box aside and sit down on the bed opposite of Jericho, softly asking, "Jericho, do you want to tell me what happened with your family? Why you're scared of love?"

Jericho's amber eyes are vulnerable as he stares right at me, taking the hand I offer to him. Slowly, he whispers, "Yeah, I think I do." His eyes bore into mine. "I told you I trust you. I mean it."

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