We aren't going anywhere

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"So Mr. Winchester, what does this mean?"

"It means that we're in trouble"

Currently after Minerva and I showed the note to her dad he almost had a heart attack, we don't even know why.

He turned his head to me and gulped.

"Did they say anything else?" He asked.

I nodded "they said to tell you that I am the mate? Of King Thanatos. Whoever that is"

Sarah, Minerva's mum, gasped at what I'd said and tropped the tray she was holding. I watched the glass break and shatter into vigorous pieces. She turned her head to Don, Minerva's dad, and they nodded heads to eachother.

"Pack your bags, pack everything you own and go inform your father Iris"

"What's going on? " I asked. They're acting strange and it's making me nervous like hell.

They're cryptic order made no means to ease my nervousness and growing curiosity. It made my body each all over and goosebumps appear all over my arms but I listened and ran all the way to my house to tell my dad.

My dad was in his study as usual. I barged in ignoring the sign that said please knock and my dad looked beyond irritated but after I told him what Don asked he understood.

Dad drove me back to Minerva's house and he, Sarah and Don went into the library to talk in private. Dad, Don and Sarah decided we would meet the strange men at where they requested we meet them and an hour later we arrived at a dark alley out of Ashburn.

The men I saw at the mall were there waiting patiently for us. Our parents askd Minerva and I to wait in the car while they sorted this out but I didn't, I got out the car alongside my dad and Minerva's parents.

Once they spotted us they turned to me and bowed heads.

"Your highness" they greeted.

This is something they kept doing and it was getting wierd.

"You must be the Clan leader. Mr. Winchester " the guy who'd ambushed me said. Ofcourse I don't know his name and I doubt he cares so no need for the formalities.

"I am Zeus. This is Zuko. Zuko and I both are the messengers of Nyx and the royal gaurds to your highness King Thanatos"

"All vampires are meant to live in vampire city. The fact that you don't means that you all, except Queen Iris, will face trial" he grudges. He called me Queen Iris. I'm not a queen, I think, course I'm not a queen wait are they talking about.

"What do you mean by Queen Iris?" I asked.

"I see your Coven has been keeping secrets from you. I will explain when back to Esterwood your highness"

"What is Esterwood?" I asked.

"City of vampires

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