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picture of Minerva^^^

ZEUS (short Chapter)
"That girl is King Thanatos' mate we cant just leave her here. She must be taken to the King at once," I said to an annoyed looking Zuko. The King needs his mate to be Queen and fully become King it would be against my nature as nyx's loyal messenger to not take the Kings mate to him. He would kill ne if he found out I know where his mate is.

"And we will. The girl's clan leader will cone and he will bring the girl with him. We will then knock all of them out except the Queen then take them back to EsterWood, and they, besides the Queen will answer to the Kings Father as to why they live in human world and not Esterwood," I
nodded but I still think we should just grab her the next time we see her and take her to Thanatos but this way is more civil.

The next day I leaned against the tree we met the Queen and waited for the clan to arrive.

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