Returning to the Bay

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It's two months until my baby is due. I have picked the name Amelia. Today I am moving back in with Ricky, Josh and Kyle. The reason I'm moving back is because Brax has been arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison for the murder of a man. He was innocent but he couldn't prove it so he pleaded guilty. He had been framed. It was all to help Ash find his sister. Which was unsuccessful.

Heath, Bianca, Darcy and Harley have all come back to the Bay to say goodbye to me. I have so enjoyed living with them but I have to come back to the Bay to support Ricky and Kyle. Ricky gave birth to her baby three days ago. I don't know his name but I will find out today.

"Well looks like we are home." I say as we pull into the driveway. We all hop out of the car and head towards the house. I turn around and see that Darcy is still sitting in the car, so I go over and hop into the backseat beside her.

"Darce are you comin?" "I don't want you to leave" she says and bursts into tears. "Oh Darcy, listen to me. I will come to visit loads. You are only an hour drive away. This is something I have to do. Poor aunty Ricky is raising her baby by herself and Uncle Kyle has no brothers left here so I need to be here for them. By letting me live here, you are helping so many people. Your mum and dad have to look after you and Harley, they can't look after me and another baby aswell. But Josh, Kyle, Ash, Phoebe and all my friends here can look after me. And I have my boyfriend aswell. " "I understand but I'm going to miss you so much. I want to see your baby when she's born." "Well I tell you what. The week that my baby's due, you can come live with me and you can stay for a few weeks. How does that sound." Her face lit up "really?!" "Yes of course" "thank you thank you thank you" "come on let's go say hi to your new baby cousin"

We walk into the Braxton manor hand in hand. "Becky" I see Kyle and he comes walking over to me and pulls me into a hug. "Hi Kyle" "how are you? " "I'm ok thanks" "and what about you Darce? How are you?" "I'm good thanks uncle Kyle. Can we go see my cousin now?" "Of course, he's in here with Phoebe. Becky do you want to go see Rick? She's in her room." "Thanks Kyle"

Heath and Bianca head in to see Ricky's baby while I go in to see Ricky. I walk in and see her sitting on her bed. "Hi Rick " "Becky. Oh it's so good to see you. I'm so sorry." "You have nothing to be sorry for. It wasn't your fault about Brax. I have one question. Am I able to go see him?" "I was actually going to go see him later today with Casey. I wanted you to come aswell" "Casey?" "That's what I named my baby. If you don't like it I can...." "No it's perfect. I love it." "Wait I'll bring him in"

Ricky walks next door and brings back in baby Casey. She places him in my cradled arms. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. "Hello little Case, I'm your auntie Becky but you can call me Becca because that's what your uncle Casey used to call me. You are the most beautiful baby. You know what, very soon you are going to have a new little cousin. You will be very close in age. I know that both you and my baby will grow up without dads but we have an incredible family to support you, and my boyfriend and all our friends. Me and your mum are going to make sure you and Amelia have amazing life" I feel tears rolling down my face.

-2 hours later-
Ricky, Casey and I are on our way in to see Brax in jail. I can feel my blood pressure rising. As we walk in, we are searched by the police officers as this is an interactive meeting. I get checked first. "Ok, your all good to go" I head into the room and see Brax standing infront of me. "Brax" I run over and he pulls me into a hug. "I would pick you up and spin you around only your.... Pregnant. I missed you so much princess" "I missed you too Brax. Are you ready to see your son?" He nods And smiles.

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