Chapter 2: The drive

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                                      ~»~»First day of school~«~«

Ugh first day of school, I thought as I watched the glimpse of trees passing by. I got out my ipod and went to the diary app.

    -I guess an average teenager would be worried about if they had the same classes as their friends and would be wondering if they'll make any new friends this year.... I'm not saying that I'm not nervous-               

I looked at my leg which I was subconsciously tapping. I got back to my diary.

    -In the back of my mind I still have that nervous feeling....just for a different reason. Most likely people will just be whispering rumors about how I killed her. After the first year I've grown immune to it. The current rumor is I torture puppies.-  

"Sweetie, we're here!" My mom said cheerfully.  

I put away my diary longing to just be home in my bed listening to music and writing. I sighed and started for the car door.

"Text me after school and I'll pick you up." My mom reminded me. 

"Oh, um here's the phone fell off a cliff..." I said mumbling the last part following the guidelines of a fortune cookie I once read -when in doubt mumble- (A/N: Real fortune :) 

 "What do you mean? Is fell off a cliff some sort of slang word?" My mom asked confused.      

 Ok here's my chance. I can back out now before my mom kills me. I could just say I left it at home.....

"No, it fell off a cliff when we were at the beach" I muttered.  

"What are you talking about, we-" realization hit her. "What! You know very well you're not supposed to be on any cliffs!" My mom tried to do her breathing exercises. "In, out, in out...." My mom huffed.  "Zoelina Amelia Wilkinson, what is the reason I gave you that phone?" My mom said trying to control her temper.     

"Uhh,"I guessed.

"Exactly, Completely righ! I gave you that phone so if I ever needed you I could call you!" my mom exploded. 

"Well besides you who do I have to call anyways?" I defended.      

"If you don't go back to that cliff and pick every single piece of that phone I will- Wait, that's exactly correct!!! Ok I'll tell you what. If you can make at least one friend today at school I won't Kill you. I'm sick of seeing you moping around the house writing that silly poetry. But you still have to get a new phone by the end of the week with your money."  My mom reasoned.

"But its Wednesday and it will be impossible to make any friends and also the guy is going to-" I started. 

"No buts!" My mom yelled and returned to her exercises.     

An administrator knocked on the car window and pointed to her watch signifying that my mom was holding up the parent drop off line. I don't even know why I couldn't have went to school with my own car. 

 "Do we have a deal?" My mom asked.

 "Yeah" I answered.    

  And with that my mom kicked me out of the car and sped off driving like a mad woman. I turned to the school and took in my surroundings. It was like a clash of all different people all conversing about their summer or some people, or should I say, were just plain gossiping.           

Drama club, emo, wannabe's, band geeks, smarts, preppy, goth, ghetto, skater, punks, foreign exchange students, student council, religious, hispanics, asians, anime freaks, jocks, and of course cheerleaders. All spread out in the front of the school, everyone in a group. 

Of course the opposites stayed far away from each other.         

Like for instance the and stayed far away from each other. This was the only way to coexist without ripping each other to shreds in a high school.

Oh and here's the thing, theres 1 exception to the rule of staying away from each other. Yup, you guessed it, the cheerleaders and the jocks.

They could go around anywhere in school and make fun of everyone. But no one would dare defend themselves or oppose them because they have jocks and other cheerleaders to back each other up.  If you dare went against them they would be sure to make your life a living hell.

I think the whole school learned that when there was a new girl 5 years ago who suicided to the cheerleaders constant teasing and minor hitting. She didn't know how the school worked and wanted stand up for herself. I think everyone learned that leason... 

So where am I in these groups of cliques? I guess you can say I have my own clique that should be called               

 'The girl who used to have a perfect life until it was all taken away by an accident that she practically caused and changed her forever'. Yeah I know, long title.


Yeah, I know. At this point it probably seems REALLY cliche, but trust me, it's not. At least with the story line I have in mind....

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