Memories and Headaches

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"Not on my watch..." Regina whispers as she holds on tightly onto Alice.
Regina then pets Alice's hair and realizes something. She pulls back Alice and looks at her.
"Alice....who in hell cut your hair?!" Regina gasps as she begins to touch the back of Alice's choppy haircut.
Alice laughs.
"Peter made one of his lost boys cut my hair for some reason. And I don't think they did a well job." Alice laughs as her cheeks begin to heat up.
Regina mutters under her breath as Alice then stops laughing and becomes very serious.
Alice looks up at Regina's face with rosy red cheeks and tear marks.
"But please Regina! Don't tell the others about what will happen to me! I do not want them to worry!" Alice whispers loudly at her.
"But Alice they have the ri-"
"No! Please! Just don't tell. This is between us only." Alice whispers.
"Fine but we will find a way to get that locket. And fix that God awful hair." Regina says as she stands up.
Alice tries to stand up as well but ends up falling. Alice was now on her stomach. Alice groans as Regina rolls her eyes but then chuckles.
"Let me help you." Regina then scoops up Alice in a bridal style and begins carrying her to where the others were.
"Thank you Regina." Alice says as she holds on tightly onto Regina.

"Who are you?" Regina asks quite annoyed with the younger girl with a black hooded cape with bunny ears attached. In which she was inside of her room.
"I am the servant of Rumplestiltskin. I am here to deliver a potion that you needed Your Highness." The girl then pulled off her hood relieving straight blond hair with icy blue eyes.
"I did not ask for what you are. I asked who you are." The queen said a bit curious as she bended down to the girl's level.
"Well then Your Highness. I am named Alice. Alice Liddel to be exact." Alice replies as she takes out a bottle of a glowing sparkling liquid. She passes the bottle to the queen.
(Alice Liddel? As in the Alice who escaped my mother's wrath? I wonder how she is here?) Regina thinks as she smiles of a small girl escaping her mother's large temper.
"Here you go Your Highness and now I must be on my way to my tasks and such." Alice says as she then begins to walk away.
"Wait a second Alice! Come back here for a moment!" The queen orders now fascinated about her.
Alice turns around and walks over to the queen.
"Yes Your Highness. What is it that you need?" Alice asks as she stares curiously at the queen's eyes. Regina stares back.
"Why don't you help me for a bit. Can't you?" Regina says.
Alice begins to think and after a while she makes up her mind.
"Well I do can spare some time. Why not." Alice says as she follows Regina.
Regina smiles.
"Well come my dear. Oh and please call me Regina." She says as she begins to explain her use of the potion.

"Oh my god Alice! What happened to you?!" Snow asks worried at Alice's body and hair.
Regina still carrying Alice puts Alice down near a log. Alice puts her back onto the log and breaths calmly. She then turns her attention to Snow.
"Please do not worry! One of Peter's lost boys cut my hair and I accidentally damaged my legs. So I can not walk or run for a bit." Alice says as she scratches her hair.
Hook walks over to Alice and hugs her. So tightly. Alice could feel her bones cracking.
"Dad....I......can't......breathe...." Alice says between each breath she took.
Hook then lets go of her.
"I am so sorry darling! I just...I just missed you so much! And I was afraid of what was happening with you!" Hook says as he kisses her forehead.
"That's sweet papa but I'm 17. I think I can look out for myself." Alice says as she pulls him back. She gives him a small smile. He smiles back.
"I know...." He says as he pets her hair.
"God I will murder the demon for doing this to you." Hook says angrily while staring and petting her short chopped hair.
"Ok to far dad!" Alice says as she pushes Hook.
"Well I think I can fix it!" Regina walks over to Alice while petting her head as well.
Hook stands up quickly.
"No way in hell that you will lay a single magic spell on her." Hook says defensibly.
"Dad it's ok. She can do it." Alice says as Regina gives him a ha-in-your-face look.
"Sweetheart please. This is Regina your talking about." Hook says while pointing his hook at Regina.
"Hey!" Regina yelled angrily.
"Dad. Rude." Alice said angrily as she crossed her arms.
"Anyway I won't kill her. I'll just have her hair back to it's normal self." Regina puts her hands on Alice's shoulders.
Hook looked at Regina in uncertainty.
"How do I know your not lying?" Hook questions.
"Your daughter trusts me. Nothing left to say." Regina says with a roll of her eyes.
"Well wait a sec-"
Regina begins to chant some words under her breath. As she chants, a golden aura surrounds Alice's head. Then her hair begins to grow. Her hair begins to grow until it reached to its original form which was below her breasts. Then Regina stops chanting and looks at Alice. Alice smiles a wide grin.
"Thank you Regina." Alice calmly says as she sits up a bit to sit on the log.
"Not a problem darling." Regina says as she stucks out her tongue at a jealous Hook.
"I could of done that..." Hook mumbles as he crosses his arms.
Alice just laughs. Then Emma and David came from a different direction. When Emma saw Alice, she runs over to her as she kneels down to her level.
"Alice! Where were you?! Where's Henry? Is he ok? Please god tell me he's ok!" Emma yells while throwing questions at Alice.
"As far as I have been with him, he has been fine." Alice said as she holds her head as she begins to have a headache.
"Oh my god Alice! Are you ok? What has Pan done to you?!" Emma questions. Alice still holding her head puts her hand on Emma's shoulder.
"Emma I understand your worried. But please calm down. Henry will be fine if he declines all of Peter's tricks. He is a very intelligent boy." Alice says as she smiles.
"But he's to sweet! Whatever lie Pan gives to him, he might believe it!" Emma says panicking.
"Might. Emma there is a chance that Henry will see through Peter's lies and will choose the best choices." Alice holds her head even harder as the headache began to worsen. She groans in pain.
"Alice are you ok?" Emma says as she holds Alice.
"Y-y-yes. Ju-ju-just tired...." Alice stutters as she falls off of the log.
Alice's vision begins to get blurry. Voices of her company begins to grow quieter and quieter. Soon she was out of reality.

Alice wakes up on the ground with an ice pack on her forehead. She sits up straight realizing a blanket was covering her. She smiles at the act as she turns around to look at the adults. Instead of them, Peter is bending over at her. Their noses almost touching. Alice quickly pulls away and scoots back.
"What is it that you want?" Alice questions as she searches around for a weapon.
"You. Just you Alice." Peter says as he puts his hand on her hair. He strokes her hair. Looking at it's long straight blond strands. Alice grabs his hand hard and pushes it away from her.
"I want nothing to do with you Peter." Alice says angrily.
"I can see that from the way you attacked me." Peter says angrily as well.
"You see Alice. When you do something really bad. There are gonna be problems. And right now, you have caused a big problem." Peter grabs Alice's chin with his right hand tightly. Alice grabs his hand to get it off of her face. Peter lets go of her face and grabs both of her hands. He then pulls Alice down. Leaving Peter on top of Alice as she struggles.
"Struggling is not gonna help you Alice." Peter leans down to her ear and whispers.
Alice begins to breath heavily but Peter doesn't notice due to him looking at her wrist with the tattoo. She began to feel sick. Alice began to think quickly on what to do. Then due to not thinking quick enough and out of panic, Alice hits her head towards Peter's. Hard. Peter pulls away while holding his head. He groans in pain. Alice's head is now in a throbbing pain but she doesn't care. She quickly tries to stand up. As she stands up, she wobbles a bit. She uses her hands to balance herself out. Then she hears Peter stand up. Alice runs. Her legs in such pain. But she kept running. Running from the demon that was coming after her. Alice jumps and ditches fallen trees, hanging branches, and ditches. As she runs, Alice trips on a root above ground. As she falls onto the ground, she could hear Peter's footsteps get closer. Alice turns her head to the right and takes notice of a hole on a side of a tree that was covered by a handmade stick door covered with leaves. She crawls over to it and opens the door.She sees there's a ladder that leads down. Alice looks down nervously. She then hears Peter.
"Alice! Don't think you can hide! I know this island like the back of my hand!" He yells as his voice gets closer.
Alice looks down at the hole. She sighs. She began to climb down a bit as she closes the door. Then she climbs down. As she finally gets to the bottom, she looks at her surroundings. She sees drawings. Child like drawings. Alice walks over to the dirt wall as she picks off a drawing. She sees a small blond girl holding a sword. Right next to her was a older boy with a scar through his right eye. Alice stares deeply at the drawing. She suddenly felt like it was precious. She held on tightly on the piece paper. Alice decides to explore some more. As she walks around the room carrying the drawing, she noted that there was a dirty small bed in the corner. A desk with a chair. Above her head hung hanging colorful bottles. She smiles at the decorations. But due to the distraction, she trips on a root and face planted onto the ground.
"Owwwwwwwww..." Alice groans as the drawing floats down next to her.
While still on the ground, Alice sees something underneath the desk. She slides her arm underneath and pulls out a small apron. Alice stands up and walks over to the dirty bed. She wiped clean the sheets and sits down. She admires the designs on the apron. Then she sees pockets in it. Now that she had noticed the pockets, she sees that something large was in the larger pocket. She sticks her hand into the sack and feels something smooth. Also pointy and sharp. Alice pulls out a large shell. She inspects the shell and puts it in her ear. Hoping to hear the ocean, she was surprised to hear multiple voices. She listens closely to try and hear what they're saying.
"Did you hear?"
"Hear what"
"Alice is here!"
"Alice is here?"
"Yes that's what I said you dumb codfish!"
"Enough ladies! Now let her continue!"
"Thank you!"
"Alice Liddel is here!"
"You mean the little girl who was with Atlanta?"
"She's not little anymore."
Alice pulls the shell away from her ear.
(Atlanta? How come I know that name?) Alice thought as she runs over to the ladder. She puts the shell in a pocket in the dress. Then she began to climb up. Once she was below the door, she listens for anything. Nothing. Alice pushes the door open and climbs out. Once she was out, she closes the door. She ran away from it as far as she can.

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