We'll be a Perfect Family

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Alice ran and ran deep into the jungle. She couldn't stop crying. When she was deep into the jungle, she finally collapsed. She roughly fell down to the ground. Alice felt so tired and it was getting harder for her to breath. Her nose was running and her cheeks were puffy and red. She was shaking very harshly. She couldn't speak or yell for help. It was difficult for her to move or talk. Alice was paralyzed. She could feel herself shaking harder and faster. Pain was killing her. She began to fall asleep but with her eyes opened. Then soon, the daylights went out of her. Her nightmare had just began.

6 Year Old Dream Alice's POV
I packed the things that were absolutely necessary for my leaving. As I finished packing my satchel, I tossed my curly blond hair behind my back, grabbed my good luck locket and wrapped it around my neck, and went down stairs. As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I entered the dining room which was where the backdoor was but when I got there, I was welcomed with my whole family. They were sitting at the table while drinking some tea. I went past them to get to the door and when I was near the door, as expected my mother spoke.
"Where do you think your going Alice?" My mother asked quite confused at my attire.    
I took in a deep breath as I was so close to grabbing the doorknob. I decided to tell them the truth.
"I am leaving." I said as I turned to look at them forwardly.
I heard and saw my mother's tea cup drop as it shatter's it China pieces everywhere.
"What do you mean leave young lady?" My father said quite angry as he puts down his cup.
"I am not quite sure if I am a lady because I do not act like one but I dislike it here. I am going to a place where people like me belong." I said calmly as I folded my hands together.
"A place for the creative..." I quietly whispered to myself which nobody heard thankfully.
"What do you mean not being happy in this family?!" Margret yelled at me as she stood and slammed her hands on the table.
"Let's take you as an example Margret. You act as if nothing is wrong. As if you are the perfect lady everyone expects you to be. But you keep a secret. Let's say you get confused, dizzy, and delirious with the lover mother and father does not approve of." I said quite frustrated as I turned to the door.
Everyone gasps and turns to Margret who was angry and embarrassed with her red face. She covers herself with her shawl to not let anyone see her. Especially mother and father.
My mother stands up from the table and walks over to me. She then grabs me and turns me around to look at her.
"Alicia Kingsleigh Liddell! You are not leaving! Do you understand me?!" My mother yelled as she tries to not break down.
"No mother I do not. I hate it here. You have absolute true love with the whiskey and flask bottle then you do with father." I calmly said as I fished out of my mother's grips.
She looks at me in shock and with embarrassment on her face. I could also see tears come down her face. My father then walks over to me and grabs my shoulders very forcefully. I tried to get out of his grip but failed miserably.
"Alice listen to yourself! You are speaking of madness!" He yells angrily.
"And thous there is you you sick kitten. Breaking your commitment to marriage. Breaking such important rules. Sometimes I wonder if I was born from the woman with the fake diamond ring or the one with the clown makeup and short dress!" I yelled angrily at him as I felt a hard slap to my cheek.
He stands back also in shock at what I said and at what he did. I turn to look at my mother while holding my cherry red cheek as she cries away her mascara and ruined blue dress. Then at my father who was putting his hands through his neat greasy hair in frustration. Then at Margret who was staring at me through her shawl with pure hate in her eyes.
"And what about you Alice? What have you committed?" She asks clearly testing me.
I laugh as tears come down my cheeks.
"If it isn't clear. I am the insane. I talk about the most impossible things in life! I cry so much that I could create a river! I speak to myself as I cry to sleep! In a mad world, I would be sane." I yelled as I begin to shake harshly.
I hold the doorknob to keep my balance. I held on tightly on my locket as I then took a deep breath in then out and letted go of the knob.
"But that is taken cared of. Isn't?" I asked as I lifted a brow.
Everyone looks at me with tears coming down.
"We'll...be...a...Perfect...family." I said spitting the words slowly as possible.
No one said a word. That was when I finally turned my back to them and went to turn the knob to the backdoor. When I opened the door, I went out to the open and left into the direction to the forest and to a certain rabbit hole.

"Papa!" I yelled while looking around the town with it's folk walking in a rush.
"Papa!" I yelled again still looking.
I kept on walking and yelling. Then I soon felt hot salty tears go down my cheeks. I swiped them off with my sleeve.
"Papa!" I yelled again but with my voice braking.
I then feel myself shake harshly so I run to a isolated location. That was when I fell down and became  paralyzed. I began to shake even harder and harder. I soon began to fall asleep until I heard someone yell my name. My name began to get louder and louder. Just as I was about to pass out, I felt hands wrap around me and carrying me.

I woke up in a doctor's room. I was in a bed with blankets covering me. I looked around to see if anyone was in here with me. I spotted my papa across my bed looking very nervous. As he turns to look at me, I quickly closed my eyes and acted as if I was still asleep. Then I soon heard the door to the room open and heavy footsteps come in.
"Mr. Jones may I speak to you?" The man asks.
"Of course." My papa says worryingly.
"I have checked Alice's temperature, blood, and such. Nothing is wrong with that but what your daughter had was signs that she has a anxiety disorder. Due to a whole amount of anxiety, she can also become paralyzed." He says calmly as I hear my papa cry.
"Can it be fixed?" He asks through tears.
"For now...no Mr. Jones. But please let her relax and let her release some pressure. That can help her a whole lot." And just like that, he leaves the room.
I open my eyes and look at my papa. He doesn't notice me until I speak.
"Papa am I sick?" I asked worried.
He turns to me with his wet sea blue eyes.
"Hush darling. You are a bit sick but we will fix that." He says as he puts his hand on my head. He begins to brush my blond hair as he hums a tune.
"Are you sure papa?" I asked as I hold his hook.
"Yes Alice. Now why don't you sleep some more." He says as he gives me a small smile.
I smile at him and began to snuggle myself in the blankets.
(I know he's lying. I am sick.)
I thought to myself.
I lifted my hand inside my blouse to grip onto my golden locket. I opened it up to read: Wonderland engraved in it's right with swirls and flowers. On it's left was a picture of me, Hatter, Chesire, March Hare, and the Dormouse having a tea party. I smile at the memory as I fall asleep with the locket clutched in my hands.

I woke up with someone shaking me back and forth. I blinked my eyes for a couple of seconds as I took in deep breaths of air. I looked around to see what was happening but it was so blurry. My vision soon became clear. I stared blankly at the figure who was shaking me awake. Regina was on the ground holding tightly onto my shoulders shouting at me.
"Alice! Speak to me! I found you passed out and shaking on the ground! What happened to you? Where's Henry?!" She asks while staring at me.
I look at her with wide eyes. Then hot salty tears came down my cheeks again. I attacked her in a huge hug. Gripping my hands so tightly on her back as if my life was in danger. I then let go of her back and went to grab my locket around my neck. I then realized I had left it back at home. I looked at her face with horror on mine.
"Regina please! I need to-to leave sniff now! Something bad is going to happen to me!" I yelled as more tears came down my face.
"Alice what do you mean "something bad is going to happen to you"?" Regina says with a confused look on her face.
"Regina m-my night terrors are happening again and-and and...." I began to stutter while my body began to shake harshly. I gripped on Regina's shoulders hard so that I wouldn't pass out again. She holds me tightly as well. I lifted my head down as I took in deep breaths in and out.
"Alice what what?!" Regina yells now more frantic and worried.
I took in another deep breath of air.
"The locket I always wear is not here. In that locket possessed magic from Wonderland. When I first left Wonderland, they gave me that locket because I angered the queen. She casted a curse on me in which if I ever left Wonderland, I.......die in a few days. That locket was the only thing keeping me alive all these years. Now-now...........I am going to die......." I whisper as I looked fearfully in her eyes.

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