Technology/Future prompt

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This is a message to our future generations.Shut down your electronics.All of them, at least for a single moment, one that lasts for a good two hours or maybe longer if you would like to actually challenge yourself.Put them down, it's really not that hard to do, or have you all become so lazy that you can't even do that? I mean when I was your age I had just been introduced to a fraction of technology that you have by now, and to say that it took over our lives is a complete understatement. What it could possibly do to you guys is just unfathomable to me.You have all let your precious technology evolve into the next dominant race of society, so just ask yourself, don't you want to be back on top?Let me give you a simple list of tips:One: Don't use the voice activated systems to shut them down, get off your hovercraft, reclining, lounge chair, move your non-used muscles of a skeleton and manually look for the off switch.Two: If you don't find it I expect you to look even that much harder.Three: When you get frustrated to the point of pulling out your hair or even to cry and you still can't find the switch, I want you to leave. Four: Leave the automatic house with it voice-activated appliances and all of the disease filled areas that surround you. Five: Once you have left I want you to walk and observe the surroundings and ever single detail that you have been exposed to before but only now have just registered to be actual beauty and ugliness.Have you been out longer than two hours just admiring what was really in front of you the whole time and not just a 2 by 6 inch screen?When I was your age just before the Introduction, we had simple technologies that made us have to do things ourselves and to have a wild imagination.I expect your minds to be as barren as a wasteland, exactly as unoriginal as that sentence just was.With your new introduction into the actual livelihood of the world you so live in, doesn't it feel as if you were reborn and ready to discover?Now I am begging you. I'm on my knees and clasping my hands to my heart, dont go back. Don't go back to the house and to its arms that brushes your hair, fixes your bed and does other extravagant things one could image, its all on big parasite eating it was through the wood beings of humanity. Don't become the leech that stays, become the butterfly that once it is ready, breaks out and flies away.What is your decision? But I do have one question for you, do you guys still have Apple?

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