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Every day people go by me as if I'm a ghost, not noticing me, not realizing I'm there and that's how it has always been since the beginning, that is until now. I walk in the halls quietly, my destination a large oak tree in the middle of the school's courtyard. I turn to exit the school when I hear a bang, turning around I see two of the school's biggest bullies are ganging up on a member of one of the schools most gorgeous family. "Give us your wallet and we'll forgive your back talk yeah?" smirks the first bully.  

"No dice, sorry, but I'm not into giving money to lost causes," smirks back the family member. Both the bullies glare at him with ferocity. The family member has blonde hair with brown low lights and dark eyes.

"Last chance before we beat the shit out of you," warns the first one, the family member shakes his head a solid smirk still on his face, almost taunting as if to say, come on let's go, right here, right now. Thinking that they were just going to slam him into a locker again or something, I go to leave when I spot something glint off the window, narrowing my eyes I follow the glint to a, knife?! Are they really going to stab him? I have to help him! Thinking quickly I sprint towards the three since I was down the hall, reaching into my bag to grab my can of pepper spray I gasp feeling myself trip on my own foot. 

Turning around I throw my arms in front of me to try and stop my fall, not realizing how close to the bully I actually was, I collide into the first bully and a searing pain travels from my right side to throughout my body. Grasping onto my side I grunt in pain hauling myself off the bully, a warm moist substance covers my fingers, as my vision begins to get fuzzy. Am I bleeding? Am I dying? Why does this hurt so much? The concept of oxygen soon becomes a foreign concept to my body as I find myself short of breath.

The two bullies freak out and run away from me, I fall to the ground gasping for the air my body so preciously needs. Am I having a panic attack? More and more the pain intensifies as it shoots throughout my body. "Amelia!," yells the family member, how, how does he know my name?! Suddenly that's the last thing on my mind as I take off a hand from my thigh and bring it to my face, only to see a bright red liquid staining my ivory skin. My vision becomes hazy as I collapse onto the floor my side continuing to burn in pain, blackness creeps into my eyes as two strong arms wrap around my trembling form, before I fade completely into darkness the last thing I see is the family members face dangerously close to me, and for some reason I can't help, but think about how beautiful he really is.   

*A few hours later*

I wake up in a hospital room, the bright white lights stinging my eyes, as my eyes adjust to the brightness I notice the dozens of people are gathered in my room. Damn, why are all these people here? I sit up and feel a sharp pain in my right thigh. "Ack!," I fall back down on the bed clutching my side. Scratchy gauze cover what I assume to be the stab wound from the ID10T with the knife. The people around me look at me with worried or concerned faces, finally I recognize them, students from my school, why are they here? Since when do they give a flying fuck about me?  

"Anna, are you okay!" shouts someone with obvious fake concern in her voice. 

"Her names Amelia," growls a deep voice next to me. I move my head just enough to see who it is, he has tousled gorgeous brownish blonde hair, soft golden eyes, pale white skin, perfect child-like features, he is gorgeous and looks like he is in pain. He is the boy I saved, I think.

"Are you okay," I croak, why would he be in pain when I'm the one lying on the hospital bed? Was he stabbed to and I just didn't notice?

Lost Blood an R5 fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now