Diagon Ally (part 2) [edited]

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Sorry in advance I know I am not the best writter in the world but It would mean alot if you just read it and tell me what you think. SO here is the next chapter! 

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" Welcome Madison," Josh said, " to Diagon ally."

It was as if i stepped in to a fairy tale book. Every one is wearing robes and funny hats, as we walk through the crowd I look down at my own clothes. When i left this morning i thought that since we were shopping i should wear something well, comfortable. So i put on an old pair of jeans and and worn out t-shirt that says Xbox + brain = non-compatible. I feel really out of place, and to add to my growing anxiety a few people stared. Although they could just be starring at Josh. He along with my other brothers always drew attention. After Josh pointed out a few shops and tolled me what was sold there. Only then did he realize my uncomfort.

"Why don't we get your robes first. What do ya think?" Josh asked with a smile.

"That sounds like a plan."I say.

..............An hour latter..............

"I can not believe that we have to wear something like that for school. I mean I know that it is a wizarding school but really!? That would be something that a grand mama would wear. I mean I never really cared for fashion. But THIS I mean COME ON!" I Practically scream.

Josh was laughing his head off. "Aw but you looked so cutie." He said in his impression of a grand ma and pitched my checks. Then fell on the ground laughing.

"When I get my wand, the first thing on my list will be to blow your head to the bloody moon." I said glaring at him.

Josh then stands up and says " you really think that a cutie little thing like you could take down someone like me." He says while puffing out his chest.

"Uh-Hu I mean there really is not much to take down." I say.

We both stared at each other for a good 10 seconds then burst out in laughter. 

"Speaking Of wands." Josh started after we finished laughing," I think that it is a bout time we got you your wand."

We walked into a small shop or at least it looked small. It was dark and had a musty sort of smell to it.

"What is this place Josh." I say looking around.

"Ollivander's wand shop. We have made the best wands since 382 BC. Mrs. Skylight." I turn around to see an old man with pale eyes.

"How do you know my name?" I ask

"Madison That is Mr. Ollivander. He is the one that gave me and our brothers all our wands."

"Yes and I remember each one of you from your big family. I also gave your parents their wands. I remember each wand I ever sold! And i remember all of your brothers and  both of your parents. Your mothers was an unusually long one, with Unicorn hair and dark reed rosewood with flex of gold in the handle, an absolute beauty just like her." The old man took a brief pause. and chuckled. "I remember your father to to well. He was a trouble maker as much as he was an intellect. now his wand was an old wand and powerful a golden Phoenix feather in a plain oak wand sturdy and strong. "

"Well that fits his personality perfectly now." Josh says, "But from what I hear that was not always the case."

"No it was defiantly not the case. I remember when he was a boy he came in here trying to find something and by the time he left the place was a mess. But any way we are not here to talk about your parents we are here to get you a wand! Now let me see your eyes."

What are you? Some kind of Fairy?( a harry potter world story) {Under edditing}Where stories live. Discover now