Diagon ally(part 1)

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Oky here is the next chapter! Please tell me what you think? PLEASE COMENT!


"Take me to The Leaky Cauldron in Diagon ally." I through down the floo dust. and watch it turn into green fire. Then it feels like i am on a rolocoaster that has no seat. I am turned around, upside down, and all around. then my feat hit wood floors. There is a g-d after all!

Oh no I feel sick!  My brother comes trough the fire place at the exact moment I though up all over the dark wooden floor. That is just great my first taste of magic and I can't stomach it, just great.(note the sarcasm) I face my brother with a look of apology, and give a smile.

"No big deal just step back." He takes out his wand, i think? Says some words and the mess vanishes. A short stubby man comes and takes our bags.

"Hay, those are our bages."

"Yes, I know miss, I am taking these things to your rooms."

"Oh. Um Josh can we get something to drink.? My mouth does not taste so good."

"Oh, sure"

Josh walks over to this man and askes for 2 cups of something called pumpkin juice.Then leads me to a table.

''So" Josh started saying before he was interrupted by a blond girl tapping on his shoulder.

"Hi."says the blond girl as she puts her hand on Joshes shoulder. This is going to be fun .

"Um, hi?" and the fun part is that Josh may look like a Casanova, but trust me he is absolutely clueless when it comes to the complex mind of women.

"Have we met before." She starts petting his arm. You would think that i would be grossed out but no. This happens all the time, to almost all my brothers, but never to me. It is ok though I know that I am not pretty, and i really don't care. It is that simple.

"No. We have not met before. Now if you do not mind, you interrupted my conversation." Wow even for josh that was a bit on the harsh side. The girl  looked like she was going to cry. I think i might feel a little bad for her. I take a sip of the pumpkin juise  uggg  that is disgusting! it takes all I have just to swallow the stuff. I will have to remember not ever to get pumpkin juice, ever.

"So Madison dad gave me this," Josh puls out a small cotton pouch, and gives it to me,"He said that it belonged to mom, and now It belonges to you."

I hold the pouch in my hand Josh is staring at the pouch, he too obviously has no idea what is in side. Wait a minuet. Why cant I just open it. It is mine after all. I pull out this beautiful necklaces, no beautiful would not be able to describe it awe inspiring would be better. The stone in the middle has different lights swirling in side of it as if it were alive. It is surrounded by silver leaves and vines. I am not sure how long we stared at it, but when we finally got the necklace on me it was 6 am.

As I tuck the necklace in to my shirt Josh reads of the list of supplies vaguely.

"Madison none of the stores are not going to be open for another three hours. So if you want to you can get some shut eye for a bit. I have no Idea why dad sent us here so early." As we walk up the stairs I wonder, "Hay Josh how do you know all this stuff about the shops and supplies?"

"Well Madison, we are a family of wizerds, and since we kept that fact from you, you have no idea abought this world. But Every one else has been here for one reason or another. Like to get their wand or supplize."

"oh." I had forgotten that this world is normal to them. We open our room, ok, I am  used to dark and dirty rooms but isn't this over doing this. I think every thing has has about 10 year old dust on it. "Am I supposed to sleep on that?!"

Oh Madison it is fine he wips his wand and the dust all goes on the floor. and he walks to the door.

"Madison there are a few things I need to do, If you are looking for me I will be at Greengots the wizard bank, and when I get back we will get your supplies."

He closes the door and leaves. he just left me here in an unfamiliar place with no one I know around for thousands of miles. Yah great job taking care of me. (note the sarcasm.) I lay my head on the pillow. I do not realize how tired I am till I close my eyes  but hay, what should I expect I have been up since 3 am.

...................< 2 and a half hours later >......................

"Madison get up it is time to get your supplies." The reason Josh does not say shopping is because he knows I hate shopping. I think it is a waist of money to buy an itchy shirt that is 50 dollars and it be in shreds the moment it comes out of the wash.

"Just 5 more minuets, please."

"Madison get out of the bed now of I will put the dust back on the bed." Josh says jokingly. But it does the trick. I do not want 10 years of dust on me. I jump out of bed, and land on my stomach. So much for cat like abilities.

"Well are you coming or not, Mr. sealion?"

"Great we are calling names now."

Josh gives a cheeky smile. I smile back as I get up. and we walk down the stairs. And there is a lot of commotion. I hear a few people say Harry Potter. So I look where they are pointing and see this giant man.

"Wow no wonder every one is stareing that man Is huge."

"No Maddison Harry Potter is the boy that is with him." I look up at Josh and see him stareing wide eyed at a boy with dark black hair and glasses. In that moment the boy turns around and I see a lightning scar on his forehead. Then our eyes meet. I give a small smile and wave. He gives a shy smile back. Then turns to leave with the giant.

Every one starts to settles down so I ask my brother" who was that  boy?"

He looked at me with a solom face and said,"When that boy, was a baby he did some thing no one else could." he could tell I had no I dea what he was talking about he so said, "It was in a way the sward of the stone. and he pulled out the sward."

"Oh." he did not realy look like much.

We walk thought the door that harry and the giant did, but there is just a brick wall. Josh is just standing there taking out his wand from his pocket.

"Um Josh this is just a brick wall."

"No Madison it is not just a brick wall." He smiles and tapes 4 times on the wall. Then the wall starts to retreat. And what I see takes my breath away.

Josh must have seen the look on my face because he smiles and sayes, "Welcom Madison to Diagon Ally."


The picture is of the mothers necklace.

So what do you think is it a bit slow? or what?

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