Chapter One

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You see I’m a werewolf. On nights like this one it was even harder not to give in to my wolf’s demand of me to shift especially nights like tonight when the moon was at its highest peak, full and perfect. I tried with every will I had in me to refrain my wolf and that’s saying something considering the strength I possess. Most nights I’m able to put off the change but not tonight. My wolf knows it’s a special night tonight and she wanted out…now.

Tonight, on this October night, the Blood Moon was at its peak. I call it the Blood Moon for two reasons. The first is because the moon is always tainted with a reddish tint during this month’s moon phase. As to the second reason….well it explains how I became what I am now: a werewolf.

I wasn’t always a werewolf, I was human. When I first became a werewolf I hated it, hated myself for that matter but I’ve grown used to it and being a werewolf does have its perks. Now how did I become a werewolf?

Well it happened two years ago on this same night….

When I was human, I wasn’t like all human teenage girls. Even as a werewolf I’m not like them. Not one bit. I didn’t invite friends to my house so we could talk about who was the cutest boy or look at the latest Vogue issue. I didn’t have friends and I certainly wouldn’t do that with them. I’m not girly and as you can already guess I’m not on the cheerleading squad. I don’t sound like your usual girl, now do I? No, I’m not Goth or Emo. Not that I have anything against them. I just don’t fit in a “clique” at school. It just seems so cliché to me to join a clique or have a label on me, I don’t get why people seclude themselves in groups. Can’t they think on their own accord and make their own decisions? As you can probably tell I’m my own person. I keep to myself and everyone ignores me. Not that I cared I preferred it that way and made it happen in the first place. I was in AP classes and I excelled in them.

On the particular day that I got bitten I had been sitting with my back against leaning against a black oak tree, blasting music from my IZune and looking up at the darkening sky. The moon, full and brilliant was slowly ascending in the sky. I checked my phone and saw that it was getting late and I was pretty deep into the woods and it was getting darker by the second. I should be heading home or Mom and Dad will freak, I thought. I got up and started walking back towards the entrance of the woods. I had more or less taken ten steps when I heard a noise. Must be squirrels, I thought and ignored it and kept on walking, until I heard the noise again except this time I knew the noise was a growl. As soon as I heard it the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I kept walking a bit faster now and searching with my eyes for any sign of movement. There. Between the bushes I saw two honey colored eyes. As soon as I saw them they vanished and I ran for my life. I ran until an unexpected body tackled me and I fell. I turned around to get back up when a blur of grey and black fur pushed me back down. I stayed still and looked only up only to be met by two honey colored eyes. The same eyes I’d seen in the bushes. Those eyes were looking right at me. I held their gaze and as I continued to look into those eyes I knew that the animal that had me trapped was a wolf, a massive wolf at that: a wolf with gray and black fur. It was way bigger than any wolf! There was something about this wolf.  His eyes were that of a human but that’s crazy, right?  I mean this was wolf not a human: an animal. Right?! I was pondering this phenomenon when it bit me. I screamed but not because it hurt but from the pure shock of it. I struggled against the wolf and I managed to somehow push it off me and I ran like my life depended on it which in this case it did.       

I made it out of the woods and I could see my house, like a beacon in the night. I slowed down to a fast paced walk, opened the front door, and almost ran smack into my parents.

“Vivian, where on earth have you been?!?” asked my mom, in a worried tone.

“I was just in the woods. Sorry for coming home so late. I guess I just lost track of time.” I said. I was tempted to tell them what had happened but something held me back. I knew if I told them they wouldn’t let me be in the woods anymore.

“It’s alright. We were just starting to get worried, sweetheart!” said my dad in a stern but concerned tone. “Is everything alright, Vivian?” he inquired.

“Yeah…everything’s fine. You know same old, same old.” I said, faking false cheer, trying to ease their worry. “I’m pretty tired so I’m just going to go up to bed if you don’t mind. “ I added.

“That’s fine, sweetie,” said mom.

“Goodnight.” I said as I kissed their cheeks.

“Goodnight!” They said at the same time when I was halfway up the stairs.

I went to the bathroom to go and see where I was bitten. I found the bite on my midriff right above my right hip. I cleaned the bite with hydrogen peroxide and bandaged it with some gauze. I know I should have gone to a doctor but what would be the use? It was just a bite and it wasn’t that deep since it wasn’t bleeding. Besides it couldn’t be so bad. It was a good thing I had been wearing a hoodie or my parents would have started asking questions. I changed into what I called pajamas which was just a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie when my wound started to throb, so I took some Ibuprofen to cease the pain.

I headed to bed since I had school tomorrow and I wasn’t going to let this ruin my night. I thought I would have trouble falling asleep, but I dozed off as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I didn’t know it then but that night that I got bitten, it changed my life forever. I was only fifteen and had no clue, but that night, it was my last night as a human.

It made me into the unnatural creature I am today.

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