Potty Training

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This is gonna be so awkward so apologies in advanced if it's bad!
Gilinsky: Jack has been potty training Chris for about 2 weeks now, and Chris is having a little trouble. Chris refuses to go in anything but his pull-up.
"C'mon bud. Just pee and you can go play." Jack said, sitting against the tub across from Chris on the toilet.
"No!" Chris whined, kicking his legs.
"Well you aren't coming down until you go." Jack said, pulling out his phone.
Chris whined for a good 15 minutes, then he had to go. He refused, crossing his legs and beginning to squirm.
"I know you have to go Chris." Jack said, noticing Chris being uncomfortable.
"No I don't." He said, squirming on his seat.
"Be a big boy." Jack said, trying to encourage him.
Chris couldn't hold it any longer. He relieved himself and Jack smiled.
"I'm very proud of you Chris. You're officially a big boy." Jack said with a smile.
Chris felt proud of himself, and giggled.
From then one, Chris had no more issues.
Sammy: Sammy was taking Leah on tour with him in about a month, and he decided he would potty train her before they left so he wouldn't have to lug around diapers.
Leah was taking well to the idea and she had no problem losing her diaper. The two of them were sitting on the couch, watching Sofia the First, when Leah started squirming and crossing her legs.
"Daddy...I gotta go..." she said, pulling Sammy's sleeve.
He quickly picked her up and ran to the bathroom. He sat her on her seat and sat down next to her.
Leah finished and looked up at Sammy.
"All done." She giggled.
Sammy smiled and helped her pull her pants back up and wash her hands. 
Johnson: Seth has told Jack he wanted to be "a big boy" and get rid of his diaper. Jack happily agreed and bought him everything he needed.
After lunch, Jack and Seth were outside, running around and playing tag. All of a sudden, Seth stopped and crossed his legs.
"I gotta go pee!" He said, running into the house.
Jack laughed and followed him into the bathroom. He helped him onto the toilet and leaned up against the wall.
Seth sat there for about 2 minutes until he went.
"Daddy! Imma big boy!" Seth said with a proud smile.
"Yeah you are little man." Jack said, smiling back.
When did his baby boy grow up so fast?
Nate: Nate has been trying to get Natalie to lose her diaper, but she wouldn't budge. It was either diaper or wet pants. Nate was getting a little frustrated, but wasn't giving up.
"Daddy! I don't half to go!" Natalie whined as he carried her into the bathroom.
"Well, you're gonna try. No more diapers and no more wet pants. You're a big girl and I know you can do it." Nate said, pulling her pants down and setting her on her seat.
"I don't wanna be a big girl! I wanna be a baby!" She said.
"Well babies can't play outside with Leah, Seth, and Chris. Babies stay inside and take naps all day." Nate said.
Natalie frowned and crossed her arms.
They sat in the bathroom for a good 20-25 minutes.
Nate loves Natalie more than anything, but she is one stubborn little girl.
He gave her a sippy cup with juice and she drank it, not knowing it would make her pee.
10 minutes later, Natalie started squirming.
"C'mon princess. Be a big girl for Daddy." Nate said.
Natalie shook her head and held it for another 10 minutes. By now, she was very uncomfortable.
"Daddy..." she whined, squirming around more.
"Just go baby." Nate said.
Natalie couldn't hold it any longer and she let it go.
"I'm proud of you Naty. You're a big girl now and big girls get ice cream when they listen to Daddy." Nate said, happy his plan worked.
"I wike being a big girl!" Natalie said with a smile.
Nate smiled back and helped her with her pants and washed her hands. He took her into the kitchen for some ice cream.
Sorry if that was bad!
If you want me to write a certain preference, let me know in the comments or DM me!

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