Asks About Their Mother

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Gilinsky: Jack was at the store getting food for the week. Chris was in the basket, playing with a toy plane. As he played, Chris noticed a little girl with her Mommy and her Daddy.
"Daddy?" He asked, looking up at Jack. "Yes?" Jack said, putting some fruit into the cart.
"Dat wittle gwirl has a Mommy. Where's my Mommy?" Chris asked innocently.
Jack sighed. He wanted Chris to have a Mom, and it hurt him when he asked where his Mom was.
"You don't have a Mommy yet. Daddy has to find a girl he really loves, then you'll have a Mommy." He said.
"Soon?" Chris asked.
"We'll see, but for now, you have me." Jack said kissing Chris on the head.
"Yay!" Chris giggled, making Jack smile.
Sammy: Leah came home from daycare and Sammy noticed something was bothering her.
"What's wrong baby girl?" He asked, looking at her through the rear view mirror.
"Today was Mommy And Me day. I was the onwy wone awone." She said, looking down.
"Aww, I'm sorry princess. I know that must have been hard on you." San said, feeling bad.
"I miss Mommy..." she said, sniffling.
"I know you do baby, but Mommy's up in the sky, and she's always watching you and making sure you're safe." Sam said, heart broken.
"You pwomise?" Her little voice asked, still sniffling.
"Promise. And I also know she loves you and is very proud of what a good girl you are." Sam said, smiling back at her.
Leah smiled and looked up at the sky, knowing her Mommy was looking down on her from Heaven.
Johnson: Jack had the day off and decided to spend it with Seth. They had a lazy day, watching movies and playing games. Jack found a photo album and the two of them were looking through it.
"Daddy, who's dat?" Seth asked from Jack's lap, pointing to a picture of Jack and a pregnant girl.
"That's...That's your Mommy buddy. That's when you were a little tiny baby in her belly." Jack said, lightly smiling.
"She's pwetty." Seth said, smiling at the picture.
"Yeah she is, and you look just like her." Jack said, smiling too.
"Where is she now?" Seth asked innocently.
"She's up in Heaven. But I know she's loves you and misses you." Jack said.
Seth smiled and kissed the picture.
"I wove her too." He said.
Jack smiled even more.
Nate: Nate and Natalie were eating dinner one night, when he noticed Natalie wasn't eating, but picking at her food.
"What's wrong pumpkin?" Nate asked.
"A gwirl at scwool was being mean to me..." she said.
"What'd she say?" Nate asked, sad that his baby was getting picked on.
"Dat my Mommy didn't wove me and dats why she's gone." She said as a little tear fell down her cheek.
Nate was heartbroken and furious at the same time.
"You know what pumpkin? That lady wasn't your Mommy. Someday, Daddy's gonna find a very special girl that he loves very much and that's gonna be your Mommy." Nate said.
"Reawy?" Natalie asked, her face lighting up.
"Yup." Nate said, smiling back.
Natalie got excited and Nate smiled.
Hey guys! Hope you liked this preference! Here are your choices for the next update:
-Potty Training
-Favorite Sport
-Favorite Music Artist
Let me know which one I should do in the comments!! If you have an idea of how the preferences should be written, write that too!

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