Chapter Two: A New Job

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Two young girls walked into their workplace, small chatter being shared between them. "Oh, shut up!" the shorter blonde girl said clearly responding to something her friend had said. The tall ginger girl giggled before departing from her friend. The blonde girl, Madisen Draper, turned on her heals rolling her eyes at her best friend. She walked straight for the kitchen of the restaurant. Madisen had worked at the cafe since she could remember, considering it is owned by her parents. Madisen had a passion for cooking and a love for baking, she had always refused to work as a waitress, she would much rather be the one making the food not delivering it. "Good evening Madi" said a dark haired woman. "Hey Mom" Madisen quickly responded before grabbing her knife from its block. She stood at the prep desk, slowly chopping up vegetables. The restaurant was rarely busy on Mondays, so she was able to take her time with prep. "Good evening Mrs. Draper" the same ginger haired girl from before stood up at the counter smile as she looked into the kitchen. The restaurant was small, more of a diner than anything. The door opens and a party of five walk in, smiling at the quaint diners appearance. "Please dear, go do your job" Madisen's mother told the ginger who peared over the counter about to grab a carrot from the prep table. "Yeah Eryn, job, not eat my vegetables" Madisen glared up at her friend. Eryn smiles mischievously and turned sliding a thinly chopped piece of carrot between her lips. She walked for the door, greeting and leading the group to a table. Madisen continued to cut up some mushrooms, blowing a piece of hair from her face, she looked up to see Eryn standing at the counter once again. "What?" Madisen spoke. "I'm doing my job, get me five cokes, and make one of them diet" Eryn kindly demanded. Madisen quickly places her knife down and grabs the pops from the fridge. She hands the cans over to Eryn who grabs glasses down from the shelf. The two girls pour the pop into glasses from the cans. "You know the boys who came in are pretty cute" Eryn speaks picking up the last can to pour. Madisen sighs and shakes her head. "And~ you know, you can't flirt with the customers like you did the last time you said they were cute" Madisen replies to her friend who is finishing pouring the last can. "Hey, trash talk me all you want, but I got us more sales" Eryn states slamming the empty can down on the counter and spinning quickly around with the beverage tray in her hands. Madisen shakes her head at her friend before going straight back to work.

About an hour later, the restaurant had stayed decently quiet. As usual for a Monday evening. Only a few tables were taken, one still the table of boys... some of which were, as Eryn said 'cute' accompanied by one girl. "Hurry up with them deserts" Eryn impatiently waits, nearly leaning herself over the counter. "Okay okay, there, done" Madisen says placing the last cherry on top of the cheese cake. She places the deserts on the tray. "Thank you" Eryn smiles and takes the tray of sweets to the table of four boys, and one girl.

"Okay, so here we have three chocolate cheese cakes" Eryn places the three cheesecakes in front of three of the boys. "One ice cream sundae" she places the bowl in front of the only woman at the table. "And finally the delicious plane cheesecake with fruit" Eryn places the last plate in front of the tanned skinned boy. "Thank you very much" he replies back to her with a shy smile. Eryn smiles shyly back. She turns around holding the tray against her midriff, bites her lower lip and smiles. "Excuse me, wait" one of the boys says from the table. Eryn turns. "Yes" she speaks. "Could you tell me who made this?" The blonde boy, with big blue eyes asks. "Yes, my friend and the owners daughter, Madisen, she did" Eryn tells the table. "Well tell her its very good" the boy continues. Eryn goes to leave but again she is turned back to the table. "Could you please send the owner over to us, thank you" the woman speaks. "I will indeed" Eryn nods her head and turns walking quickly back for the kitchen. Eryn walks through the doors to the kitchen stepping up beside Madisen. "Mrs. Draper, table number six would like to talk to you" Eryn says watching Madisen's knife cut through apples. Mrs. Draper walks from the kitchen sending a questioning look towards Eryn. "What did you do now? Really, you have to stop flirting with the 'cute' customers" Madisen jokes. "No, I didn't but the one is so cute, and handsome, and I kinda really like him, and I don't wanna go back to the table because I swear if that boy smiles one more time at me I think I may die, and-" Eryn rambles. "Okay, calm down... you probably won't even see them again, so whats the big deal, just try not to look at him" Madisen laughs. "I mean I guess I could just try and avoid eye contact, but he's just so~" Eryn whines. "Eryn, just don't" Madisen interrupts her friend. "He's just hard not to look at!" Eryn says louder than she expected to, bending down to nearly a sit on the ground. She leaves her hands on the counter and places her head to the edge of the counter top. "They said your cooking was good by the way" Eryn speaks peaking up above her forearm. "But hes just so cute~" She says quietly, tapping her forehead a few times on the counter as if to get 'him' out of her mind. "They did?" Madisen smiles stopping what she is doing. "And your never gonna see him again, so get over it" Madisen rolls her eyes in reply to her friends constant whines over a 'cute boy'. "But, cute~" Eryn whines. Madsen rolls her yes. "Never again" she says continuing to cut lettuce. "Madi, Madi, Madi!!" Mrs. Draper skips back into the kitchen. "What Mom?" Madisen turns to her mother. Mrs. Draper looks down at Eryn who hits her head off the cabinet while mumbling the words 'too cute'. She shakes her head and places her attention back on Madisen. She smiles at her daughter. "What?" Madisen prompts. "You have a better job baby" Mrs. Draper speaks "What do you mean?" Madisen stands starring puzzled at her mother. "That table, they asked you to be their home chef, they said they are going to be traveling and won't have time to cook healthy meals so they want you to" Mrs. Draper says excitedly to her daughter. Madisen stares blankly at her. "But, what if I don't wnat to, I like the job I have here" she says. "Too late, I already told them you would, so tomorrow I am driving you to the airport to meet with them" Mrs. Draper continues. "But I" Madisen stops herself and sighs. Eryn glances up at her friend and holds back her laughter. "Oh, and Eryn, I'm sending you with Madi, so that she isn't alone, and don't worry, I already asked your mom" Mrs. Draper states. "What!" Eryn jumps to a standing position. "Works over, go home and pack girls, I'll finish what needs to be done" Mrs. Draper smiles and leaves the kitchen. Eryn glares at her friend. Madisen sends a awkward smile back. "Never again? really? you were saying" Eryn states as she shakes her head and leaves the kitchen with the tables bill.


// sorry for my terrible writing in this story... I'll try harder...// ;)

(random photo...) - most chapters I'll try and include a cute photo of the boys :) 

Okay that's all, enjoy ~~

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