Chapter One: Love Diary - Part 1

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Heres a small secret for you, you are going to end up falling in love. May I add that you may not see it coming, but you will at some point in life. Oh, I'm sorry. How rude of me... allow me to introduce myself. Most people believe in me, in fact, you probably do yourself. I'm almost one hundred percent sure you know who I am, even if we haven't met... yet. People have probably told you about me because they've seen me. Standing, right before them. And believe me, you'll know who I am at first sight. You'll feel me, hear me, fall for whoever it may be. Oh! I almost forgot... my name. How could I forget my name. Anyways, my name is a short word, a word I know you've said before. Like I told you, you know who I am, my name is 'Love'. What a pleasure it is to meet you, and if I could shake your hand I would. Now keep that adorable smile of yours on your face as you read. Read a small love story I myself was quite interested in. Now I've seen some of the world's greatest fall in love, kings and queens, celebrities, old folks and young ones, heck! I've seen it all! But, for some odd reason I was quite intrigued in the heart of a young soul. A young girl, whose heart was pure, and whose mind was set. She was different, her heart knew one thing, but her mind was lost. I call her 'The Lovestruck Angel'. Her name you may ask, is almost as pretty as she, Madisen.

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