Resurgent-Chapter 10

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Tris starts to open her eyes. She opens than all the way and smiles at me."Good Morning Mrs.Eaton." I say and tuck a lose strand of hair behind her ear. "Good Morning Mr. Eaton." She says. "How did you sleep?" I ask. "Great, last night was amazing." she says."Yeah I know." I say. "It's sad that we'll never be able to do it again." She says. "Why not" I ask. She looks at me weird."Oh you meant the wedding" I say and she starts laughing.

"Can we stay here forever?" She asks. "I wish" I say with a smile."We should probably head back to Dauntless soon." I say."Fineeeee" she says and we pack up and leave the room. We walk to the nearest train stop and jump on as it passes by which is very hard to do while holding luggage.

The train ride takes about half an hour. When the train stops we walk into dauntless and eat at the cafeteria with Zeke, Christina, Cara,Peter. Life is perfect. I don't want anything to change for a longtime. With my luck we'll see how long that lasts. In the meantime I plan to enjoy every second of it. "I love you Tris." I say. "I love you too." she says in between bites.

We spend the next few weeks living the best life we can live. The new initiates arrived and me and Tris have been training them. They seem to like her, I guess you could say we're good cop and bad cop. Or maybe even nice cop mean cop. Tris is nice cop. They learn the basics with her and learn how to beat the crap out of people with me. With the new rules we don't have any combat instead we use punching bags and other equipment like them.

I really like the new Dauntless, and even better no more Eric. A few days ago me and Tris got home and we both had a surprise for each other, turns out we both got the same surprise, I had her name tattooed on my wrist and she had mine tattooed on her ankle. Great minds think alike, I guess.

There were no initiates from Abnegation. This year there were nine transfers three from erudite five from Candor and surprisingly one from Amity. I don't know about the dauntless borns, me and Tris don't Instruct them.

At the end of the day me and Tris go back to our Apartment. We get ready for bed and talk about the day. "The initiates are doing really well." She says. "Yeah, and there's a lot less pressure on us knowing that their lives won't be ruined if they don't beat the crap out of each other." I say. "Was it like that for you, when you were an instructor, before things changed." She asks. "It was the first year that I was instructing, honestly, last year I just wanted to make sure you stayed here." I say. She looks at me in a way she did when we first kissed, and when she didn't shoot me when I tried to kill her, and when we got married. We hold a stare for a few moments that feel like forever, and I can't hold back anymore. I put my hand on her lower back and pull her to me and kiss her. She slides her hand up my arm and puts one hand behind my neck. I tangle my other hand in her hair. There is no space between us, I like it this way. I pick her up and carry her to the bedroom. I set her down and she slips her hand under my shirt. Her hand is on my lower back on the Amity part of my tattoo. She slides her hand up back back, my shirt going with it. I try to pull it over my head, but one of the loose threads of my shirt is stuck on her engagement ring. We laugh and take off the thread and I pull of my shirt. I kiss her neck and hold the hem of her shirt. She puts her hand over mine and slides it up, pulling her shirt up, we break the kiss and she pulls it off. We quickly fit our mouths back together. I like to think about how perfectly we fit together, when we hug she tucks her head into my neck, our mouths and faces fit like puzzle pieces when we kiss, and when we lay in bed together and my arm is around her, her head is on my chest, at the same level as my heart, she says she likes to listen to my heartbeat as she falls asleep. Not only that we are perfect matches emotionally, we know each other inside out and we're in sync.Sometimes I'll be thinking something and she'll say it and vise-versa. I couldn't imagine anyone else better for me than her.Even after over a year, looking at her is still like waking up.

 I wake up the next morning to the sound of water hitting the shower floor, and Tris out of bed. I'm sad about that, I like waking up next to her. I look down and see my clothes on the floor. I go to my dresser and get dressed. I write her a note and go to the Cafeteria to get us food.

Note: wattpad is screwing up my writing my removing the spacing between words so you guys know its not my fault, and I keep trying to fix it but it keeps going back ugh anyway so sorry about that

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