RESURGENT- Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Tobias POV

"So then for the cake, should we do a dauntless cake with dark chocolate frosting or a traditional cake?" Tris asks me "definitely Dauntless cake." I say. "Tris lets take a break from planning, pleaseee." I beg.Tobias the wedding is in less than a month we have to finish this all as soon as possible." She says. "Ugh fine lets get it over with." I say. "We only get this once, lets make it perfect." "Tris, it will be perfect as long as you're there" I say. "That's sweet but your not getting out of planning." She says .

After six more days of torturous planning we are finally done and we just have to wait for
the wedding. Yesterday Tris and Christina went and got Tris' dress and Christina threatened my life if I looked at it. Even Tris won't tell me anything about it.

The only thing Tris put me in charge of is the rings. After a million ideas and hours thinking
about it I decided to keep it simple. They are both regular gold rings, but on the inside hers is engraved with the word four and mine is engraved with the word six.

Right now Tris is off with Christina finishing off the plans. We decided to do the wedding in
amity, with the new rules here we can go to any faction we want. "Hey Tobias, I'm home."
I hear Tris say as she walks in. "Did you order the rings yet?"she asks. "Yep all taken care of." I say. "Well the good news is that me and Christina have every thing all planed out." She
says. "What's the bad news?" I ask. "That we have to wait two and a half weeks for the wedding." She says. "That's not that long, we do have time to kill though, I have a few ideas." I say. "Oh really." She says and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Ok guys we have exactly four days until the wedding, in two days we will go to Amity and set up. Tobias you and Zeke will have one job, the altar, you guys decide where it will be and set it up, me and Tris will take care of the rest." Christina says. "Ok whatever you say boss." I say and jokingly salute her.

The next few days go by incredibly fast and before I know it I'm sitting in the train holding
hands with Tris on our way to Amity. The wedding is tomorrow so we'll get there set up most of the stuff and me and Christina will finish the rest before the wedding. Tris wants to help but Christina won't let me and Tris see each other until the ceremony.

We get there and start setting up everything. We are doing it under one of the biggest trees
in amity. We are putting up small lights on wires up everywhere. We plan to have the ceremony at sunset tomorrow.

In some factions they
have the tradition of someone walking down the isle with the bride but the Dauntless don't do that. In Dauntless tradition the bride has

to have something black, after a while her and Christina thought of something but they haven't told me yet.

Everything is falling perfectly into place.

After a long day of setting up everything it's finally night time. I'm happy to get some rest but incredibly sad that I can't see Tris until tomorrow. Christina has us in the two farthest apart room she could find. She says it will make it more special when we see each other tomorrow.

I kiss Tris goodnight and hold her for a few minutes. I whisper "See you tomorrow" in her
ear. "I love you" she says. "I love you too I tell her and we go to our rooms.

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