RESURGENT - Chapter 3

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I am about to give Evelyn the inoculation when Christina bursts through the room. "We have to go NOW" She says. I tell Evelyn I'll be back. We run through the halls. "Why do we have to leave?" I ask. "Tris was shot she didn't stop the serum, David shot her. Twice. She is in the infirmary, in surgery." She says.

I run even faster not waiting for Christina to catch up but eventually she does and she leads me to a vehicle Amar found. I drive full speed and they tell me to slow down but I don't listen. We get there and I run to the infirmary just now realizing I didn't give Evelyn the inoculation, but the thought doesn't stay in my mind for long and I think about Tris again.

When I get there I ask for her room. "I'm sorry but I was instructed not to tell anyone." The nurse says. "By who?" I demand. She points to David who is walking into a room. My fist collides with his face and I hear a crack right before he falls to the ground. I kick him as hard as I possibly can. "Now I will ask again. What room is she in?" "The one he was about to walk into." She says. I see her face. She is sleeping. A doctor walks in and tells me everything he knows. Then he tells me that after the surgery she fell asleep and now she is in a coma. He says that there is still a chance she will wake up.

I can't move. I can't think. I can't speak. The possibility that she won't wake up consumes me. I stare at her sleeping body. I can't handle the pain and I let myself go. A tear falls off my face. The sun starts to set but I have no plans of leaving her.

A week passes by with no sign of improvement but luckily the doctors said there is a one in a million chance David will wake up considering I punched and kicked him in the head as hard as I possibly could and gave him a concussion it would take a miracle to recover from.

"You should go get something to eat and take a shower or something. It's okay Four, I'll stay with her until you get back, you don't want to smell bad when she wakes up". Christina says with a smile when she walks in. I appreciate Christina saying when she wakes up, most people say if. I get up and say "Thanks." and walk out.

After I take a shower and eat I come back and Christina is there. "Do you think they are gonna find out what she tried to do?" Christina asks as I walk back in. "I don't know, Caleb didn't say anything and neither did the doctors." I say. "They probably thing you're gonna beat the crap out of them if they try, considering what you did to David." She says. "Anyway I'm gonna get going I'll see you soon." She says as she gets up and leaves.

Another week goes by and the doctors start to lose hope, and so do I a little bit, but then I think of her, her, smile, her kiss, her laugh and I know I will never give up.

Uriah was taken off life support a few days ago, the doctors said he had no brain waves and now that his whole family has no idea who he is there was no one to stop them. I'm not worried that the doctors will do the same to Tris considering she is never by herself. I fall asleep on the small couch in her room but this time I move it up right by her bed, she comforts me even when she's unconscious.

I find myself in a dream, its about my fear landscape. I go through the first three fears, then the last begins. It seems to be a combination of all my fears. I'm standing at the top of an extremely high building and Tris is on the ground screaming my name. Marcus is kind of floating in the space between me and Tris and he is pointing a gun at her. Mountains start closing in really fast, in a matter of seconds they will be pressed against me. I keep hearing her screaming my name as the mountains are about to hit me I wake up. "Tobias, Tobias.... Tobias" I hear a familiar voice whisper, a voice I haven't heard in weeks. Not any voice, my favorite voice. Tris' voice.

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