NorIce Teacher-Student AU Part 8

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Emil's POV
We got home and I pretended to wake up realizing that I was going to have to make the painful journey upstairs to my room. I got up but was immediately lifted by Mikkel and he started carrying me to my room. I wanted to protest but considering how sore I was I really couldn't.

Mikkel "judging from how you didn't complain about being carried I take it my suspicions were right"

Emil "W-What are you talking about"

Mikkel "don't act stupid I know what you two did and I wish you would think things through now you can't even walk  just don't do anything stupid like that again"

I was about to rebuttal but than thought it would be best just to agree with him so he would leave. I was now alone in my room when my phone went off signalling I had gotten a message.

Lukas : that was a close one

Emil : your plan didn't really work

Lukas : o... Well I'll think of something for next time ;)

It was embarrassing that Lukas can make me flustered just from texting

Lukas: how's your ass feeling

Emil : a little better, no thanks to you

Lukas : will a be able to see my love at school tomorrow

Emil: ya I'll be there

Lukas: good, can't wait to see your beautiful face tomorrow

Emil : you can flatter me when I can walk

Lukas: okay, love ya cya l8 bae

Emil : -_-

With that I put my phone down and decided to read for the rest of the day. A couple hours of reading and my phone went off again, but this time it wasn't Lukas.

Leon : hey baby why weren't you at school today, I missed you

Emil : don't call me baby and I was sick

Leon : anything I can do to make ya feel better

Emil : stop texting me

Leon : man we both know you like me stop playing hard to get

I was so frustrated that I put my phone down in an angry fit. I didn't like being mean to Leon considering we used to be friends but I was in a relationship with Lukas and didn't need him flirting with me. I decided that I would go to bed early today so I could catch up at school tomorrow.

Time Skip

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and groaned that I had to get out of my warm bed. I made my way downstairs and Mikkel had already made breakfast.

Mikkel "feeling better?"

"y-ya" I said while blushing knowing just what he was referring to

After I ate breakfast I got my stuff together and made my way to school. Once I got there I was relived to see Tino's friendly face.

Tino "good morning Emil, Leon told me you were sick yesterday are you feeling better?"

Emil "ya thanks for asking"

Tino " well I don't want to be late I'll see you at lunch"

I didn't even realize it was a few minutes before the bell and quickly made my way to my first class.

Lukas's POV

I was sitting at my desk daydreaming of Emil while my class was doing a pop quiz. I really have to rig his schedule next semester so he has more classes with me. After my class ended I sat at my desk grading some of the quizzes when I heard a knock at the door. I looked over to see Berwald another teacher who was more of a friend.

Lukas "long time no see"

Berwald "ya I need to talk to you about something"

Lukas "what would that be"

Berwald "Emil"

I felt my heart sink, did he know, how did he know, is he going to tell.

Lukas "what about him"

Berwald "I know you and him are together. I saw you kiss him in the hall, I saw you too eating lunch together, you guys were "sick" yesterday.

Lukas "what are you gonna do about it"

Berwald "nothing, loves love to me, just want to know you know what your doing. If I can find out anyone can which can lead to trouble"

Lukas "so you don't care"

Berwald "like I said loves love"

Lukas "thank you"

With that Berwald left and I gave a relived sigh.

Emil's POV

Lunch time rolled around surprisedly quickly and I told Tino I wanted to talk to him alone in private.

Tino "what you wanna talk about Emil"

Emil "Leon, he won't leave me alone. He keeps flirting with me"

Tino "isn't that a good thing I thought you had a crush on him"

Emil "that was like a year ago, I definitely don't like him"

Tino "well than why is it bothering you so much"

Maybe Tino would understand more if I told him I was seeing Lukas. Although Tino does have a big mouth even if he wouldn't intend on saying something it might come out.

Emil "you have to promise to keep this a secret okay"

Tino " okay"

Emil "um I'm dating Mr. Bondevik"

Tino "that makes sense"

Emil "what!"

Tino " I've seen the way you guys look at each other in class, you moving to the front, I even saw you guys having lunch together.

Emil "you saw us eating lunch! Why were you even there"

Tino "well to be completely honest, I'm uh dating Mr. Oxenstierna"

Emil "that's why your not weirded out by this"

Tino "yep but hey we should totally go on a double date"

Emil "what!"

Tino "ya it sounds like fun we should to it"

Emil "um... Okay"

Tino "excellent we can talk about it last period, if your not drooling over Mr. Bondevik.

Emil "hey that's not funny"

Tino "I think it's funny, probably because it's true"

Emil "Lukas teases me enough I don't need you to do it to"

Time Skip

After last period I told Lukas our plan and he seemed happy to go. We were going later that evening so I got home quickly and got changed into a nice pair of clothes.

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