NorIce Teacher-Student AU Part 3

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Lukas's POV

I hadn't really expected what happened with Emil to happen, but I'm glad it did. What was even better was that now I was taking the the adorable thing out to dinner. Everything was going good until I thought of what would happen if people found out, I could go lose my job and go to jail and never see Emil again. I would just have to make sure no one found out, I mean Emil was almost 18. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt something on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Emil was asleep, probably tired from all the fun we just had. I let him take a little nap since we were very close to the restaurant, blushing the whole way because of the sleeping beauty on my shoulder. It was around ten minutes until we got there and I shook Emil up. I swear it was the cutest thing ever watching the boy rub the tiredness out of his eyes and stretch.

Lukas "we're here dear"

Emil simply nodded and blushed at the name I gave him. We got out and I put my arm around his waist and pulled him close as we walked into the restaurant.

Waiter "can I help you"

Lukas"do you have a table for two"

Waiter"yes we do right this way"

The waiter showed us to an exclusive booth and gave us out menus. He asked us for drinks, Emil ordered a coke and I was just fine with water. He came back and we ordered our food. We mostly made small talk considering I wasn't very good at flirting in public and Emil was shy, I was able to make him laugh a couple times which gave me a sense of accomplishment. After we finished our meals I wanted to spend more time with Emil but he said his "dad" would start to get really worried so I took him home. We pulled up to his driveway and before he could leave my car I pulled him close and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips before we said our goodbyes.

Emil's POV

I was blushing like crazy after my teacher/Lover kissed me. I walked into my house and before I could do anything I heard a familiar voice.

Mikkel " what are you doing home so late and are you okay"

Emil "I'm fine dad.. I-I mean Dan, I was just hanging out with friends"

Mikkel " are you sure you're okay, you're really red you might have a fever.

Emil "I'm Fine it's just hot outside"

Mikkel " alright are you hungry"

Emil "no I'm fine thank you"

Mikkel "alright love ya"

Emil "love ta to dad- I mean dan"

Mikkel "awww your the cutest son ever"

After a little more integration from my dad I mean Danish Guardian, I was able to escape to my room. Once I entered I felt my phone vibrate.

Lukas "hey baby what's up"

I spent the rest of the night texting my new boyfriend, enjoying everything he said to me.

NorIce Teacher-Student AUWhere stories live. Discover now