NorIce Teacher-Student AU Part 4

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Emil's POV

I woke up and realized that I had one more day of school before the weekend. I showered got dressed and went downstairs.

Mikkel "hey Em, breakfast is ready"

Emil "thanks dan"

Mikkel "don't feel like calling me dad"

I started shoving my face with food and Mikkel took that as a no and left. Once I was done I decided that I would leave a little early so I could say hi the Lukas before the bell rang.
Even though i had a car it was a waste of gas to go to school considering how close I lived. Once I got to school I started walking to Lukas's room until I was standing at his door.

Lukas's POV

I heard a faint knock on my door, people usually didn't come to my room this early but I told them to come in. I was happy to see Emil walk into the room.

Lukas "What are you doing here dear"

Emil "I just wanted to see you before classes started"

I pulled Emil close and kissed him. It started out slow but I quickly deepened it and we were suddenly making out. We were pulled from our little make out session when the bell rang. Emil jumped up with shock and was very flustered, it was adorable to say the least.
He excused himself from my class room but not before I could blow him a kiss and give him a flirtatious wink. After Emil left I went about my day like every other day I had to teach classes 1st, 3rd and the last period of the day when I get to see my sweet Emil. By 2nd period I was missing my boyfriend so much I decided to go track him down. It looked like he was in math class and was bored out of his mind.

I said to his teacher that I needed to speak with Emil and Emil was allowed to leave.

Emil "what do you need"

Lukas "I just couldn't stand not being with you" I leaned down and kissed him.

"I think you could use some extra help at lunch today" I added a wink so he would understand what I meant. He said he would see me than and we hugged one last time before he went back to class.

Emil's POV

I walked into Lukas's room after 3rd period and no one was there. I continued walking until I was in his office, I tried calling out his name but before I could even get all the words out of my mouth, two arms from the closet pulled me in and covered my mouth. It took me a second to see it was my boyfriend scaring me, he had a big stupid smile on his face.

Emil "why would you do that you jerk"

Lukas " o come on that was funny... Your so cute when your scared"

"whatever" Emil said while looking away with a pink blush on his face.

Lukas " I thought we could go out for lunch and skip fourth period, I already got you permission"

Emil "that sounds nice"

Third Person POV

The two men left the school trying to look as distant as they could so people wouldn't get suspicious. They decided to go some place simple, just some fish and chips at some shack. The good thing about the place was that they also sold Ice cream. While they were enjoying the treat Lukas stopped eating his when an idea popped into his mind.

"You got some on your face"

Lukas said as he grabbed Emil's face and licked the corner of his mouth before making his way to his lips. Emil melted into the kiss but before it got to intense they broke apart so they could finish their ice cream. They made their way back to school just in time for 5th period. Emil was happy that after this was the weekend which he could spend time with his boyfriend. Although one thing Emil wasn't happy about was when his friends Tino and Leon started to question him about were he was. Emil blew them off and said he was studying with Mr. Bondevik.

Tino " but Emil you get good grades why do you need to study"

Leon " ya if you need help I can study with you"

Lukas's POV

I saw Emil's friends talking to him and was immediately annoyed. Tino was alright but I saw the way Leon looked at Emil. He was always winking at him and flirting even if Emil was too oblivious to notice it still made me jealous. I made a mental note to give him extra homework. It took a while but I finished my lecture and was ready to go home and get ready to spend time with Emil. I got home showered got dressed in went to go pick Emil up.

Emil's POV

I got home got a snack and went to go change. I was now wearing a white dress shirt and a brown jacket, I decided to add a bow just to look even better. I was making my way down stairs after texting Lukas when I was interrupted by Mikkel.

Mikkel "who are you dressed up for"

Emil "N-No one. I-I'm just going to hang out with friends"

Mikkel "o really, you look like your dressed for a date"

Emil "WHAT"

Mikkel "just saying"

We were interrupted when Lukas pulled up our drive way.

Mikkel "o that must be your friend I'll go say hi"

Emil "what no"

Before Mikkel could listen to me he opened the door to see Lukas"

Mikkel "um.. Mr. Bondevik what are you doing here"

Lukas was clearly shocked to see me not open the door and he saw my worried look.

Lukas "o Emil didn't tell you, he wanted extra help in school but we were to busy at lunch"

Mikkel "extra help that doesn't sound like Emil, why didn't you mention this Emil"

Emil "uh I-I didn't want you to think I was stupid"

Mikkel "aw Emil I would never think that, but I'm glad you care about your grades"

After Mikkel left I let out a relived sigh.

Lukas "that was pretty quick thinking"

Emil "ya ... So where are we going"

Lukas "the movies"

We walked to Lukas's car and started driving to the movie theatre.

NorIce Teacher-Student AUWhere stories live. Discover now