The Reason

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"How're things?" Kwangsoo asked as he glanced at Yonghwa who was seated on the passenger seat

They are heading to a luncheon get-together with their friends during college. They suggested a gathering when they heard Yonghwa was in Korea.

So off they go to Gangnam to meet their friends

"She still hates me" Yonghwa answered in a casual tone but he knew the effect of what he said is deeper

"That's natural. You didn't expect it to be easy, did you?" he answered his eyes didn't left the road

Yonghwa sighed before he spoke "I couldn't blame her if she does. But we both know that it was for her own good"

Kwangsoo nodded "She'll realize it soon. I just hope that when the time comes, she can forgive the both of us. Especially me. We did it for her"

He was worried sick about what would Seohyun's reaction be if she'd know the truth. His sister never did like having her brothers meddle in her affairs

He could still remember what had happen ten years ago...


Kwangsoo noticed that Yonghwa has been anxious for days now. And when he asked him what his problem was, he looked at him in surprise and more...

"Huh? What problem? Who has a problem? Is there a problem?" he answered like a drunken person

Kwangsoo laughed out loud "Yah! Looks like you still have a hangover"

"I... I just have something in mind" he replied

"A girl? Who? Juri?" he was talking about his latest prospect

He shook his head "No... forget about her.. I m-met someone else" he then look spaced out

It peaked Kwangsoo's interest though "Is she beautiful and sexy?"

"Dangyunaji" Yonghwa answered in a heartbeat

"Oh... so that's what it is.. What's the problem then? She has a boyfriend?"

"She does not have one.. she's still young.. she's still in high school"

For some reason unknown to him, he saw Yonghwa started to sweat buckets after what he said.

"Oooo.. The same age as Seohyun-ie?"

He saw Yonghwa swallowed hard

"That's okay." He squared his shoulders "Age is not an issue. Since you're just going to date her"

"That's the problem... it seems..." it looks like he couldn't continue what he was saying

His forehead creased. He has an idea what he has been bothered about "Omona... don't tell me you finally fell in love?! And to someone so young?" he teased his friend

When Yonghwa stayed quiet he knew he was right. So he teased him more "Who's the lucky girl, then?"

"Tsk..." he stood and took off

He followed suit "Yah! Where are you going?"

"Home. See you" he didn't even look back as he answered

"Y-yah, yah!" he tried calling didn't get a reply this time "Cham.."


Days have passed when he saw and talked to Yonghwa again.

"Kwangsoo-yah" he called him when he saw him at the basketball court

"Yah! I was about to fetch you up for a game. Good thing you thought of coming over." He was already gasping for breath as he spoke

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