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Chanyeol and Seohyun are parked outside their house for 30 minutes already but she still has no plans on going out the car. They talked about how their day went happily.

Her head is on Chanyeol's shoulder and she was slowly running her hand across his chest in a familiar gesture. She had never felt safer and more secured. So unlike her feeling when she saw Yonghwa, like her world is falling unto her feet. Her heart would beat rapidly, her pulse would race and she felt tingly all over. Unlike now, with Chanyeol, everything was always under control. Calm. Relaxed.

"By the way, I forgot to mention, the one that shouldn't be named is back" she said

"Who's the one who shouldn't be named?" he asked, confused

Her eyebrow raised "The one I talked to you about, Kwangsoo oppa's friend, Yonghwa" they were friends for a long time before they dated. He knew about it when Tiffany talked about her stupidity when she was younger.

"Aaahh.. your greatest crush" he teased. She didn't even saw any jealousy in him. That is one of the reasons why she likes him. He's not a jealous guy.

She distanced herself from him a bit and stared at his face "That was so long ago. And a big mistake at that" she pouted at him

He quickly back-pedaled "Of course, I know that I'm your forever crush, uri jagiya" it was one of those rare times that he was being sweet and aegyo-ish. And she can count the times with her fingers.

He saw him glance at his wristwatch. "Maybe you should go inside and get some sleep"

She groped for her keys inside her bag. And heard the car starts after she is inside the house.

She did not bother to turn the light on and proceed to climb the stairs when she heard a voice behind her. "Heavy date, huh!" a baritone voice said and she couldn't mistake for someone else but Yonghwa

It was a bit dark. The house was bathed with a soft glow from the dim light near the hallway but she could still sense the deathly stare he is giving her. His forehead creased and his lips tight, it seems like he's very angry at her.

"So?" she said in contempt. What is it to you if I'm out on a date and went home late? It's none of your goddamned business! She wanted to yell on his face

With quick and steady gait, he approached her. He was wearing boxer shorts and a white sleeveless undershirt, making his statuesque body visible.

"Nothing, it's just that, you've come a long way from being that foolish girl who professed her undying love for me" he said as if insulting her, he was looking at her closely, waiting for her reaction

She felt her blood pumped to her head in anger "Waaah, the thickness of your face awes me. For your information, that kid you're talking about is already dead. And in her place is the smarter, more intelligent and mature lady that's not easily fooled"

She took a deep breath to calm herself "Excuse me, I need to rest" she turned her back trying to avoid him, but he stopped her by holding unto her wrist

"Seohyun-ah, don't tell me you're still angry at me after all these years? Was it because of the rejection or because I went to the States without you knowing?" gone was the anger in his eyes, instead she saw his eyes pleading together with the tone of his voice, hoping she'd understand

That made her confused. What's the purpose of all his explanation? It was in the past and she had learned to move on. "I knew why you left. You told me in not so many words that you couldn't stand me. So you probably couldn't wait to get as far away from me as possible. I'm not that dense to not get what you meant. Why? Because you were fed up with me? And with my foolish notions of love? I'm so sorry. But don't you worry, I already woke up from that foolishness a long time ago." Her tears rimmed her eyes due to anger from remembering the pain she has gone through ten years ago. The first, was when he refused the love she has given him and second, was when he left for the States

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