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"W-Who's coming over for dinner?" Seohyun asked Minhyuk, her twin brother. She might have misheard what he just said

He failed to answer her because he's busy raiding the refrigerator.

She just arrived from the office when he told her that they'll be having a visitor later. And she almost choked from her food the moment she knew who.

"Jung Yonghwa, Kwangsoo hyung's best buddy. Don't you remember him?" he joined her on the table bringing a jar of sandwich spread, a loaf of bread and a carton of fresh milk with him. "Well, how could you forget him? He was you're crush right? We even tagged you his 'shadow' because you're always tailing him around." He teased while making his sandwich

"Yeah right! Tsk! I thought he's in the States." She still couldn't believe that Yonghwa would come to their house for dinner. The last time she saw him was almost 10 years ago

"Well, he's back in town" he squared his shoulders. "Wait, why does it look like you're still affected?" he teased her again

She chose to ignore his last statement. Because if she won't, there'd be no ending to it.

Yonghwa oppa is coming over for dinner. it echoes in her thoughts. And as usual, the mere thought of him bothered her. Making her lose her appetite

"Yah Seohyun-ah! Aren't you eating that? Tell me. I'm so hungry I won't let that pass" he looked at her pasta meaningfully even though his mouth is still full with the sandwich he's chewing

"Yah, you shouldn't talk with your mouth full, oppa" she frowned at her twin oppa. He insisted in calling him that even though he was older by 2 minutes. She pushed her plate to him. He looked like he was not able to eat the whole week basing on his actions when he grabbed it and inhaled her food in.

Does he still remember me? Her thoughts wandered back to Yonghwa. But wait, why should I even care?

I don't care.

She tried to push Yonghwa out of her mind and gave her attention back to her twin brother. She saw him eating fast and clumsy "Yah! Eat slowly. You're not in an eating marathon. Where were you anyway, that it looks like you haven't eaten anything for the past week?" her forehead creased as she look at him. Sometimes her twin brother could be so gross!

He drank his milk in one go before he answered. "Basketball. You know, to maintain my good physique." He even posed like a model in front of her to show her his non-existent muscles. And then his attention went back to the food he's eating "By the way, your nerd boyfriend called. He said he has a meeting so he couldn't come later."

She couldn't help but raise her eyebrow on him "He has a name you know. Chanyeol. And he's not a nerd!"

"Oh, so he's still not a nerd at that? Uh,okay.. as you say" he conceded not so convincingly

"Why are you always calling him a nerd? Is it because he's not into sports or martial arts? It just so happens that it's not what he's into. He's... an intellectual!" she boasted, when at last she thought of something fitting to Chanyeol

"Intellectual?" he said as his eyes were as big as saucers. After a few seconds though, he conceded. "Fine. End of discussion then" he said, making her fume. Obviously, he's not convinced at what she said

"Talk about yourself. It's a good thing Krystal still likes you. If she'd see you right now... the way you eat... Yuck! I'm sure she'd break up with you." She teased him back

She saw him shook his head confidently. "That's where you're wrong, Seohyun-ah. She loves me and accepts me for who I am. You, why are you sticking with that Chanyeol of yours?" after he ate he's now targeting her love life.

"I also love him" she answered as fast as she can then she gave him a triumphant grin

"Yuck! You're the one that's gross. Are you serious?" he acted like he's going to throw up.

"Shut up!" now she's pissed off. She really could not win over her twin. And because she could not think of something to retaliate, she just hits him on his arm. In which made him burst out laughing

That was the time their older brother Jonghyun emerged from the back door.

"Annyeong oppa!" she gave him the sweetest smile hoping she found an alliance.

"Annyeong, sis. Looks like you're home early" he took a sliced bread and put a sandwich spread on it

"We have less work at the office for a change."

Minhyuk stood to find more food. He must have the biggest appetite amongst her oppas. Good thing, he has a fast metabolism, if not, then he might be an obese by now.

"Did I disturb something? Looks like you were having a debate earlier" he studied both of them

"I was just telling some person here, to not be judgmental. Tell him oppa, tell Minhyuk oppa here that Chanyeol is not a nerd" among her three brothers she has thought of him as the most objective one

She have three oppas. The eldest and the most protective one was Kwangsoo oppa. He's older than her for almost 7 years. Next is her Jonghyun oppa, the spoiler, 5 years her senior. Followed her twin brother Minhyuk, who she thought was the worst tease to ever walk on the face of the earth.

And she's the youngest and the only girl. The only rose among the thorns. They were conceived because her mother wanted a baby girl but it turned out to be twins. It's a good thing that the other twin was a girl. It was a success!

Jonghyun oppa, the oppa that she thought the most unbiased amongst her brothers gaped at her. "He's not?" he even looked shocked

And she heard her twin guffawed.

Fuming she stood, she had had enough teasing for one afternoon. "Whatever!"

She was already at the top of their stairs but she could still hear her brothers' laughter from the dining area. "Tsk!"


Seohyun took a shower and changed into casual clothes. She's now sitting in front of her vanity mirror, combing her hair when she thought of Yonghwa again. Whether she likes it or not, until that very moment, her heart still beats faster than usual just by hearing his name.

She couldn't forget his face, because it was like tattooed inside her mind. His round eyes, his nose and red lips, with that snaggletooth, his height and his great physique. She could still remember how good he smelled... like he was always from a shower.

At the age of thirteen, she knew she was madly in love with him

The first day they met was like magic

She could still picture what happened that day as though it was yesterday


Post Script: I'd love to read your comments on this one guys.. please do leave some.. thanks!

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