Chapter 3

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Marceline sat and looked out her window. She couldn't help but wonder about Marshall. He had gone to discuss with Bubba the problem at hand. which she thought to be herself. she sighs and sits on the couch tapping her foot impatiently. "whats taking him so long?" she said to herself in the empty room. the buzz of the refrigerator easily got on her last nerve. it seemed she couldn't take the waiting much longer when the door unlocks and Marshall slowly steps into the room. Marceline stands, she cant help nipping at her nails.

"w-what did he say?" she stutters.

"he said he...wouldn't allow would mess up the natural order of things..."he murmurs wincing at the words he spoke.

"S-so......your leaving..." she mutters barely audio able.

"i didn't say that." he replies. she lifts her head to look up at him and brushes a strand or hair behind her pointed ear.

"But B-bubba" she points out

"i don't care. since when is Bubba the boss of me?" he states as he steps closer and slips his hand into hers. she looks at they're intertwined fingers and slightly smiles.

"what exactly would be damaged if you,,,stayed with me?" she asks nervously looking up deep into Marshall's eyes.

"that's just it.... they don't know...and they obviously don't want to take the risk..." he sighs and pulls Marceline into an embrace.

"what do you think they will get you back into the portal?" she questions cautiously.

"who knows? chain me up? threaten me with a stake? all i do know'll all be worth it...if my prize is spending eternity with you" he says as he slides his hands her cheeks and kisses her softly.

"Marshall..."she coos.

"yes my queen?" he replies with his eyes closed peacefully.

"i love much..." she warmly states and pulls him into a intense kiss.

"i love you more my queen" he manages to say between the breaks for breath. she smiles at the sound of his voice and wraps her arms around his neck.

"i could stay like this forever" Marceline happily sighs.

"Baby we got time" he chuckles and grins lightly kissing her neck. goose bumps rush up her body. she wasn't used to this type of interaction but she liked it. he wraps her arms around her waist and pulls her closer pressing his nose into her hair treasuring the smell.

"mmmm vanilla..." he grins and a light blush forms on Marceline's cheeks. she laughs and smiles at him causing him to return the favor. he leans in for other kiss when the power shuts off.


Well it looks like Marshall wont leave without a fight! sorry it took so long but believe it or not i have school work to tend to! and what about that power outage at the end! well hoped u liked it :D sorry in you didn't.

I'll love you forever, literally. (Marceline x Marshall lee FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now