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The others let us lay there for a while.  Long enough for the snow to drench my dress and pruned my fingers.  I didn't care that I was cold—didn't care that I'd probably get sick.  I would suffer through all of it just to be able to hear my brother's heart beat as I laid with my head on his chest.

It was the Black Widow that finally ushered us up and into the quin-jet.  I was given a thick, wool blanket by Captain America and Clint—Hawkeye—wrapped my broken wrist.  Thor carried my brother up, helping him to the seat next to mine. 

And that is where we stayed the entire flight.

When we landed, the quin-jet opened to the sight of the Atlantic Ocean.  Warm air flooded over the deck of the Heli-carrier and around me.  And standing just feet from the jet, was my dad.

Every single emotion I had since I had last saw him bubbled to the surface.  My anger, grief, shock.  My sense of betrayal.  The feeling of hatred of being lied too. 

Then it went away as I hobbled next to Loki down the extended ramp.  And it turned to joy as I ran to him, sobbing with whatever tears I had left.  We were both shaking and in tears when we both broke apart.  That was the first time I had ever seen his emotionless facade break.

It rebuilt itself the moment Thor and my brother had approached.

Loki did not say a word as Thor explained what had happened—from me getting kidnapped to what Loki had told him on the flight about my mark. He took in the news about my fate, the mark on my wrist—well.

And by well, I mean, nearly ripping my brother's head off and coming very close to forbidding me from ever leaving his sight again.

Lucky, Thor stepped in and no blood—Asgardian or Human—was spilled.  He convinced my father that Asgard might be the best bet to finding the cure to the mark.  And with great hesitation, he gave permission for me to stay in Asgard—until I was safe or if we needed to look for a different solution.

Then my dad hugged me again and I thought for a second he would never let me go.

We separated and told the others what we had discussed.

Jakob and Addea decided that they were going with us, hoping to stay in Asgard until Jakob got over the trauma caused by Thano's control.  Then they wanted to travel home.

Everyone said our goodbyes one last time before we headed to an open part of the Heli-carrier deck.  Thor raised his hammer to the sky and called out to Heimdal.  I didn't let myself thing that that could have been the last time I ever saw them again.

Instead, I sent my dad a smile to let him know that I was going to be okay.

Seconds before the beam of swirling colors surrounded us, I grabbed my brother's hand and watched as the Heli-carrier and the vast blue of the Atlantic Ocean disappeared. As my father and my entire life to this point vanished before my eyes.


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