Greek Godly Parents...

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Scorpio: Bloody hell I'm Greek! Blimey Mum, I've gotten so posh! Ta ta!

Virgo: *facepalms* thats British, idiot... -_-

Me: ...ok then...


His/Her Godly Parent...

Virgo: Child of Athena

Scorpio: Child of Ares

Leo: Child of Aphrodite

Sagittarius: Child of Apollo

Gemini: Child of Zeus

Pisces: Child of Poseidon

Capricorn: Child of Hephaestus

Taurus: Child of Dionysus

Libra: Child of Hecate

Aries: Child of Demeter

Cancer: Child of Hades

Aquarius: Child of Hermes


Thanks guys for staying with this ;)

Crap Monday is in less that 12 hours... NUUUUUUU SAAAAVE MEEEE I HAAAATE MONDAYS!!!


Guess we'll see if I survive tomorrow! Bye!!!


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