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^Above is a Celestial Spirit facedown from Fairy Tail! ;)



Aries hugged herself as an icy blast blew past her.

Goddamn Scorpio... Oh no, what if I hurt him? Should I go back and check on him or...?

No. Aries, stop it. He's probably found another pair of lips to smooch.

"Aries, what happened?! Everyone's been saying you KOed Scorpio then bitched him and left! Apparently you left him crying on the floor!"

"Cancer, please, shut up... I didn't even punch him hard!"

Cancer smirked and slung his arm around my shoulder.

"I swear, you're the only person I know who says please before telling someone to shut up. Really Ari?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Cancer go away." [just realized how true this sounds...]

He winked at me, ever so flirty.

"But I think you really did leave him crying, Ari."

"Yeah, right. And pigs fly."

He became serious.

"Ari... I don't think you know how much you affect all of us. You have some sort of power over us, almost. What I'm trying to say is don't be so harsh on Scorpio. I think he really does care for you."

And with that, Aries was left to sulk in her thoughts.


Scorpio liked Aries.

He liked her a lot.

It could've even been mistaken for love.

And for Scorpio, that was a big deal.

So when the love of his life walked out on him, well, he was devastated.

Fuck it all, he cried.

That was bigger than Pisces' ass.

And that's sayin a LOOOOT.

"Dude, chill, she's just a girl. Go hop a bar and get over her."

He didn't even see who it was. He just punched him as hard as he could.

Because she wasn't just another girl.

Aries was his girl.

And he would do whatever it took to get her back.

Which led to Scorpio walking out of his apartment complex wearing a tux, dress pants, and some snappy shoes.

His hair was slicked back and his face cleanly shaved.

He popped a mint in his mouth, too.

Shit I probably look like an idiot WTF AM I DOING?!

But he kept going, all the way to the Sakura Tree on Terrymount Avenue.

According to Cancer, her acquaintance; he refused to believe he was more than that; this was her favorite spot to hang.

So he briefly met up with Cancer and the plan was set.

Aries was to meet "Cancer" at the Sakura Tree, two pm sharp.

And she was there, facing the other way, looking up at the clouds.

Scorpio was scared shitless.


So he approached her, and without making a noise, wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulders.

"Cancer get off--- its you."

He grinned up at her.

"Love you too, sweetheart."


"At your service."

"Y-You clean up nice."

His face turned solemn.

"Only for you."

He pulled out a bouquet of roses, a mix of pinks and reds.

She blushed.

"Scorpio! You shouldn't have picked those!" She scolded.

He gave a crooked smile.

"Miss Jahooty can go plant some new ones."


He didn't even let her finish.

He kissed her, the two of them pressed together, and their tongues sparred, clashing, fighting for all it was worth.

And to both of them, it was worth a lot.

"Love you Scorpio. I'm sorry I punched you."

"Love you forever, Aries. Sorry for being an arse hole."


And that, my friends, is my very sorry one shot.

I'm really sowwy for not updating sooner; my phone was confiscated yesterday -_-

But I hope you guys liked it, please tell me how good it was! ;)

Till next time~



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