Pies... Yursh!

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Leo: I would give you some, but its for my GF/BF...

Pisces: Sure, take it. I'm starting a diet.

Gemini: I don't eat the crust.

Sagittarius: Be my GF/BF for a week and I may consider it... *puppy eyes*

Capricorn: If that's what you want, then sure. Here.

Aries: OF COURSE! I'll make you some tea with that, too. Pies are always with tea! S-sorry if its too bitter... *blushes*

Scorpio: Heck no. Get yo filthy hands away from mah pie.

Cancer: Rock, Paper, Scissors. *squints eyes trying to act menacing*

Libra: If you shut up, then yeah.

Virgo: Pi? Oh yes, Pi is an irrational number. It was discovered by Archimedes and it consists of 3.1415.........

Aquarius: F*ck off. *death glares*

Taurus: *guilty* Oh... Uh sorry... Would you like the crumbs???


Did ya guys like it? The final one for tonight the im crashin soooo

HOLLA!!! :)

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