Chapter Four

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I watched as they drove the van, talking and laughing amongst everyone as I was roped up and gagged. "This can stop if you just accept this. Your sisters boyfriend has to die," my mother said gently as she sat next to me.

I swear, if I wasn't gagged, I would have spat in her face.

I glared at her and shook my head. This is so fucking wrong, how can they just laugh at this? How could they have done that to Tyra...

"You know they'll give up, Tristan. Since we gave your scummy girlfriend over they'll give up," my mother said.

I furrowed my eyebrows to show my confusion. They only used that word for Angels...

"Oh, this is precious. She didn't tell you she was an Angel?" my mother asked, chuckling as an evil glint I've never seen before came to her eyes.

I shook my head and kept my glare. She probably just kept it a secret because of what was going on... Wait, no... She didn't know that much about my parents... Nor of what was going on...

My mom laughed loudly, sensing my hurt.

How come I didn't hear her thinking about it?

I fought against the gag over my mouth, earning a slap on my cheek to get me to stop. We're in a van, so surely others would hear if I screamed for help, right?

But what if we're by her followers?

They'd only laugh like these idiots in front of me.

"Quit planning for escape, nitwit. It won't happen," one man chuckled to my right.

Well it's better than sitting in a van of psychopaths with guns and knives, I thought back. Ha! I can still say snotty remarks! Fuck yes! If my hands weren't tied behind my back right now I would definitely fist pump the air...

"God... Your son is an idiot," a second man said beside my mom.

"I know."

Better to be an idiot than a psycho.

"Can you shut it, Tristan?" my mom demanded.

You can't shut someones thoughts up. They'd go insane... Well, less insane than you all.

"I swear, you do this all the time when we're in public and around people in general," she said, shaking her head disapprovingly.

You mean being logical? That's 'cause it's just plain fun, you should try it.

"I will get one of these men to beat you again if you don't shut up."

One? Why one? Why not five? Or ten? Or twenty! I like the sound of twenty. I smiled under the duck tape than covered my mouth to keep the piece of cloth in as my mom became fumed in anger.

"You just don't stop, do you?"

Only when it fits the situation. And quite frankly, I don't think you have the guts to beat me to a pulp yourself. What's wrong? You still love me deep, deep down in that heart of yours?

She slapped me across my cheek once more, pulling out a really sharp looking knife from her cool Batman-like utility belt. "I can do more than beat you to a pulp, Tristan."

Firstly, I don't think I believe you. And secondly, it's Tripp. Has been ever since elementary school. You know, back when you seemed to care.

"I still care. Why do you think I let you and your sister come into this world?"

Uh, I don't know. Maternal instinct? Child care money?

"No. I want what's best for you. And that involves killing your girlfriend and your sisters boyfriend, as well as the rest of the scum on this earth," she said.

You do realize how mentally unwell you sound, right?

"Your mates are holding your true nature back, they're holding your freedom back. Don't you see it now?"

I've felt so much more free than I've ever felt in the past few weeks. With Tyra by my side. Me and Hope have felt more love than before. With and without your care. What you are trying to achieve is evil. So much so that your very own husband left you!

"You shut your fucking mouth!" she yelled, holding the knife to my throat. I saw tears come to her eyes at the mention of my father.

It's not like you didn't expect it, right? He isn't your mate, you killed that man and killed my fathers' before he could even get to know her!

"Just do it, woman! Jesus Christ!" another man yelled.

She turned the knife over to him, him being in the passengers seat. "You shut your fucking mouth! He still has time to change his mind!"

I just sighed. You can't just go psycho like... I would snap my fingers right now but my hands are kinda tied up...

My mother took out her glock and used the bottom of the handle to hit my temple, knocking me out cold.

Crown of Thorns [An Andy Biersack Fanfiction] ((Sequel))Where stories live. Discover now