Chapter One - Story Time!

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We got our shoes on and snuck out of the ice rink, it was fairly easy. We walked hand in hand down the sidewalk, I'm glad we both had the sense to bring our wallets.

I heard something a little ways away rustle and grunt, it was a man. About a yards-worth away behind us.

"Andy, I think there's somebody behind us," I said.

"What?" Andy said.

"I heard somebody behind us and it's around one o'clock in the morning. I think he's following us," I said, a little bit above a whisper.

"Well, the police did say something about people watching our backs or something..." Andy said, sounding calm yet nervous.

'... I don't think that's it...'


I opened my eyes, a dark room the first thing I see. "Mm?!" I screamed, struggling against a gag that was covered my a tightly wrapped bandana over my mouth.

I looked around, seeing Tripp, covered in blood. "Mm!!" I screamed even louder, struggling to get to him.

"Oh, stop it. We only need to know where the Angel is," said a woman not too far away.

I stared at her as she and another man walked towards me. "Calm down, child. We didn't hurt your supposed mate too much," the man said with a sneer, it scared me as he took the gag out.

"Wh-what's happen-ning?" I uttered, shaking as they glared down at me.

"We need information on Lynda's Angel. You know him, don't you?" the woman asked.

"Wh-wha - no. I don't," I said, remembering what Tripp had said the night before.

The man laughed. "Our son is stupid enough to get his mate in danger, too!"

Just then, Tripp started to stir. "Mm... Tyra..." he mumbled.

"Pay him no mind, he endangered you," the woman said.

"Mom... No, don't," Tripp whimpered, moving in the chair he tied down to, like me. "I wouldn't ever do that... I swear."

"Don't lie to your mate, Tristan. Is that how I raised you?" the woman said.

"At least I didn't kill her... I don't kill... I'd never kill... Unlike you two," he said, glaring up at them. I guess I missed a lot of things...

"What is he talking about, Jane?" the man asked.

Jane looked at him, then Tripp, then me. "You must believe that what we are doing is right. He will kill you. And Lynda will kill her Angel. Just like I had to to keep myself free. Vampires yearn for freedom. Mates keep that at bay. Remember that," she hissed.

I stared at her in shock of her words, watching her as she and the man walked away. Effectively scaring the hell out of me when the door slammed shut.

"T-Tyra..." Tripp uttered. "Please..."

"Tristan... Is what she's saying true?"



"Yes! Yes, it's true! But I'd never do anything to hurt you! I swear to fucking God! Please, believe me!" he burst, surprising me as he tried his best not to cry. "Please..."

"... Tripp... Tripp, it's okay. I'm sorry..."

"No... You have every reason to be s-scared of me... Of-" he coughed hoarsely, spitting blood on the floor. "... Of her."

"What happened to you?" I dared myself to ask.

"I refused to say where Hope and Andy were... They didn't do the same to you because, I think, they think that by doing this and saying that every vamp kills their... Their mate, you'll trust them instead," he explained.

"Why are they doing this to us? To your sister?"

"It's kind of like that old feeling of white power, I guess... Some are racist, some aren't... Except this isn't race related, it's species related..." Tripp said, "but it's not really an extinct belief... Its been happening ever since human beings became beings..."

"Vampires came before humans?"

"Apparently... Old scrolls and drawings in caves made from both animal, human, and vampire blood."

"Holy shit..."

Tripp chuckled, but coughed a little more. "Yeah... Creepy shit happened all those years ago... But then, a rebellion happened... Like in all those stupid vampire movies, a couple got together..."

"And everything got better after some war?"

"No. The vampire woman killed the human man, thinking that he was unfaithful, like a lot of men were back then... But she was wrong. So, to make sure that nothing like this happened to cause such a vampire or human grief, she spread a rumour that all humans had to leave to an area more up north if they wanted to keep their souls from death... Most left, but some stayed to stay with their vampire mates. So, the woman made the vampires think that the humans were evil; or that of the Devil, so they killed them..." Tripp trailed off, seeming guilty.

"Oh... Is that how the tradition came to be?"

Tripp nodded. "Yeah... And humans grew grudges over those that killed their family and made it a tradition as well to hunt down vampires..."

"All because of a woman's grief?"

Tripp nodded again. "As the saying goes: nothing hurts more than a woman scorned... Or something like that."

I chuckled but nodded as I took in all that I was told. "Please don't be afraid of me now... It's just an old and slightly run down tradition..."

"Hey, it's okay... I'm not afraid of you at all... How do you know that anyway?" I asked.

"Vamp history classes..."

"Oh," I chuckled. "Those are if you do really well in history, right?"

Tripp nodded.

"Well, I'm bad at history, so that explains it."

We both kind of laughed at each other, but soon silence fell over. "I wonder if Hope and Andy are home..." he wonders.

"Same here..." I mumbled. "They'll find us, though."

"Don't be so sure... My parents cover their tracks better than most serial killers."

"Don't be pessimistic, grumpy-pants," I said, meaning to hit his shoulder but obviously failed.

"Yes, dear," he said, looking at me with a joking smile.

"That's better."

"If Hope was here she would make a whipping noise."

"Followed by Andy saying a snarky little 'oooooh!'"

We laughed, Tripp coughing and spitting a little more blood to the floor. "You need a hospital, Tripp..."

"No, I'm fine... A little alcohol and stitches can do miracles, too."

I hummed in agreement, but sighed. "How long do you think we'll be here for?"

"A long time... Maybe a short time... Depends on when they get to Andy..."


"You'd be surprised on how much people hate Angels..."

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