Chapter 4 - The Hunt is On

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Dear Vincent, 

I'm am truly sorry for my rash actions but I am leaving Darkangel manor. I can no longer stay with you or your family for the fear of endangering you any further. Please don't try to look for me, I will come to you when all is safe. I have forgiven you for the smack you gave me. I just hope you will forgive me for hurting you this way. And believe me when I say this, I truly regret for not telling you anything. However, this is the only way to keep you safe.

Sincerely Elrain Angel Nightshade

Vincent couln't believe it. Here he was holding a small letter that he found on his desk. Elrain had left him, saying she didn't want the family to be in danger. What is after her? What could she be running away from? Could it be the shadow he had fought last time. But why? It doesn't make sense, she has done nothing wrong. "I had better look into this." he thought to himself. "Who knows what I might find" He smiles. "Sorry Elrain, but I am going to look for you until the day I die. I will not let you go so easily."


Elrain awoke in a dark room with a single candle.

"Your finally awake."

Elrain turns around. "Nathon! What happened? I don't remember."

"You passed out. It seems that you weren't stabled enough yet to walk through the portal. You see, one must master the movement of transportation to be able to stay conscious. It seems I have a lot to teach you."

The corner of Elrain's lips twitched, "This is most ironic." she thought to herself.

"What? what's so funny?" Nathon asks, confused as to why Elrain would smile at what he just said.

"Your barely even older than me and your the one teaching? Isn't there some kind of teacher?" she asks, unable to hide her smile any longer.

"No, not really since all the adults had died on the same night our parents did." he replied with steel in his voice.

Elrain notices and asks. "They were all killed? So we really are the only ones left?" she asks. horrified of the outcome. "How can this be?" she thought to herself. "Everyone that was a descendent of an angel, killed?"

"Yes" he says. Looking off into the distant. "I was even surprised that there was a single girl left of the dying race. You."

"How did you survive Nathon" she asks.

Nathon surprised at how mournful her voice was looks up at her. "I was away at a friend's house. They must not have picked up on my scent since I was surrounded by many humans. I got lucky."

Elrain tries to read his expression, but couldn't. All she saw was a determined young man.

"Well." he says, breaking the silence. "I had better get to work. You just stay here and rest. After that, we train." As he gets up, Elrain grabs his arm. he looks up surprised.

"What do you mean work?" she asks, a curious look on her face. "I just can't imagine you working."

"Hahaha. Is that so? I work as a private detective. I especially work on the ones where human polices can't figure out, after all, they're mainly crimes from creatures from the Underworld connections.. Elrain" his voice all serious. "there is more than one enemy out there. Like trolls for example. Now just lie back down and sleep. You are still fairly weak." With that he seems to have vanished, like the way he did when they first met.


Delano of the night (Delano also means the night :P lol) couldn't believe it. He was a famous assasin and yet, his prime target had gotten away from him. "Damn! if anyone finds out about this. All the reputation I had built over the years will disappear!" he thought to himself.

There was a knock. "Who is it?!" he snaps, angry from his previous mission.

"I take it, your hunt didn't go to well?" Belinda asks. (Belinda also means beautiful snake) Belinda was his hunting partner, however this time she had fallen ill and had to skip out on the mission. Judging from her appearance she was no longer sick.

"So what?!" he snaps. Normally he would have told her everything very calmly but this time, hedidn't feel the patience. He almost had her! He almost had his prey and yet, she just slipped through his fingers like liquid!

Belinda sighs. "Let me guess. You almost had her, something intervened and she escaped. Yes?"

Delano chuckles. "Bingo~!" he could never stay angry at her for long. "Well almost there. You were right, I had her between my fingers and yet a man intervened and she escaped. What's worse, I was injured by a human! A Human! Oh God let me die!" He says, his face in hands.

Belinda laughs. "Don't you worry, no one will know about this." She says. That moment as if fate had already been decided, they heard a knock on the door.

"The Lord Hadrian (Hadrian also means dark one :D ) wishes for your presence immediately." replies the voice. They heard the messenger scurrying away.

Belinda looks at Delano. "You don't think he already knows do you?" she asks.

Delano sighs. "He is the great one, we might as well go and meet him."

Lord Hadrian was the ruler of the Shadow world a.k.a Underworld. He is a wise ruler who has been on the throne for many thousands of years. He also has many spies planted everywhere so it was impossible to double cross him. Also another reason as to why he has been on the throne for so long. He had spies in the Shadow worlds including the Human world.

A few minutes later. After arriving at their destination. Lord Hadrian's throne room. Both Belinda and Delano bows before the king.

"My lord." Delano spoke up before Belinda could say anything. "was there something you needed?"

Lord Hadrian chuckles. "Yes, of course there is. That is why I summoned you here in the first place is it not? Well, let's skip the formalities and skip to the point. Hadrian I am pretty much surprised of you failure in killing Elrain Angel Nightshade. The last female of the Angel bloodline."

Delano dips his head in shame. "I apologise my lord. I will not allow it to happen again."

Hadrian laughs, the type of laugh that sends shivers down your back. "No, my friend. It will not happen again. I will give you one more chance. You got that? The only reason as to why I allowed you to live this time is because I fin your loss amusing. However, there will be no second chances. Now go. I am tired of this topic. Go" he says waving his hands as if he was shooing away an annoying fly.

"Amusing" Hadrian says to himself the moment Delano and Belinda had left his sight. "For the girl to have survived this long with that boy. What was his name? Nathon I think it was. However, your game ends now, Angels. The Hunt is On and you will not survive this onslaught"


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Thanks so much for reading~! 

The previous chapter I have heard many comments from the previous chapter. Many had told me that it wasn't too interesting. Please tell me a reason why if you do, so I can work on it. I hope this chapter was to your liking~!

Plz read, comment, vote and spread~! 


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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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