Chapter 2 - Troubled

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"My lord, your tea" says Elrain passing him his cup of tea. A week has passed since her encounter with Nathon. She is confused and hurt for she didn't want to leave the household that she has lived in for 5 years. The only place where everyone treated her with kindness. (Except for the servants of course :P )

"Thank you. Have you been well Elrain? I've noticed you staring out into the sky more lately. Is something bothering you?" Asks lord Elric.

Elrain shakes her head and smiled a sad smile. "No my lord. Everything is well."

"Is that so? Well there is nothing I need for you to do at the moment so you might as well have the day off." Says Lord Elrain sipping his tea.

"Thankyou my Lord, I will do as you have suggested." With a bow, she left the room and made for her bedchambers.

Elrain sits on her bed thinking of what she should do. "What do I do? I don't want to leave, but I don't want them hurt . What do I Do?! what do I do?! what do I do?! I need a reply by tomorrow!" 

Elrain looks out at the beautifully morning sky, seeing birds soaring free, trees swaying to the wind, flowers blooming their best. She thinks of her mother and suddenly feels guilty. She had lied to Nathon, although she didn't really intend to lie to him. Elrain just simply couldn't talk of the subject, she had remembered every single detail of her past. Especially the time when she saw her parents and brother being murdered right before her eyes. All the blood, all the screaming and running, she remembers it all. She sighs and decided that she should go and clear her head. The best place she could think of was the Silver Lake. Silver lake was the most beautiful lake around the area. The water was was so crystal clear that makes it look all sparkly and magical from a distance. The area was so clean you would think it was forbidden to drop a single waste there. All the plants surrounding the area was rich green, as though the water was special. That or someone has been tending to them secretly. The animals (swans, squirrels,rabbits, etc.) runs and swims freely, not having a care in the world.


Elric watches his son pace around his study like a cat walking in circles. A feirce look on his face.

"What is wrong?" asks Elric.

Vincent looks a him for a long time before asking him a different question. "Where is Elrain?"

Vincent knew his father, it was because he was Master Elric that he knows everything that goes on in the Darkangel household.

Vincent knew his father, it was because he was Master Elric that he knows everything that goes on in the Darkangel household.

Elric laughs. "She went out for a walk. You know, one of those walks where they collect their train of thoughts." He watches his son's reaction. He didn't show anything except for the lack of emotion .

"Father, are you not concerned? I know you have already notice, but Elrain is hardly eating anything, her eyes also suggesting that she hasn't been sleeping. After cleaning all she does is sit on her bed thinking and most of the time she just stares out the window. Deadpanned. What is going on? Did something happen?" Vincent could't stop himself, before all the questions came out of his mouth.

Elric looks at his son for a long time. "How amusing" he thought to himself. "What it means to be young. If I could only go back to the time when I first fell in love."

"Father?" asks Vincent. "Is something wrong?"

Elric realises that he had been staring at his son and averts his gaze. "Yes son, I'm fine. Do not worry, I am sure that Elrain is only confused over something trivial. Do not let it worry you. Now...." he groans. "it's about time I went to lie down a bit." With that, he left the room.


Elrain had been sitting under a tree listening to the birds sing. It, Elrain realised, had a sad tune to it. She did not know why, however by listening to the birds sing reminds her of the past.

"Elrain!Elrain! come~!" Danielle had urged. Danielle was her little brother, no taller than her shoulders. He had Silver hair (obviously) but the only difference was his eyes. His eyes were the colour of brown. It is said that the eye colour changes to grey once they past the age of eight.. Their eyes changing colour again by the time they turn 18, however this time, they go silver. "Let's go play in the water! " he says giggling uncontrollably, while running towards the lake.

Elrain chases after him laughing. "Coming you little sniper! Come here and feel the evil queen's wrath! hahaha" She chases after him and stops, tilting her head up towards the sky.

"What is it sister? Is something wrong?" he asks concerend at my sudden reaction.

"Can you hear it?" she asks. "Can you hear the birds singing? They seem so happy...." she breathes. With that, she sits down under a tree, watching the birds soaring into the wind, singing all the way.

Her brother follows. Sitting with a loud *plumph*. "Yes, they are happy." he turns to face her. "So are we."

I felt tears on my face. Returning from my sudden memory jog." It's about time I went home" She thought to herself, looking at the descending sun. As Elrain started off home, she notices a shadow looming over her. She turns fearing the worse. Elrain sees a man in black. He seems to have been holding a scythe. "Funny" she thought to herself frowning. "He looks almost like a reaper."

"Who are you?" She calls out. "Was there something you need?"

The figure stays silent, oobserving her. (Well she wasn't too sure since his/it's? eyes was also covered by a thin layer of black material.)

It/he? spoke. "You are Elrain Angel Nightshade are you not?" It's/his voice sending shivers down Elrain's spine. The voice sounded ear piercing, like a chalk forcefully dragged across a blackboard.

"Yes, that is me. Are you one of those Shadow Stalkers? By the way, are you human or a thing?" She asked, fearing the answer. But deep down, She knew she was right.

"Yes." it/he? rasps."yes, now come to me........Have a painful death girl........I will not anyone if you do.....and to answer your question..........I not what you expect me to be............I am neither living nor dead.............I am neither......i am what you living beings call Shinigami." (In case for those who doesn't know this word, it means a reaper, soul taker, etc.)

"So it's an it!" Elrain thought. She smacks herself on the forehead. "This is no time to be worrying about what it is Frankenstein! Crap! How do I get away? Damn that Blasted Nathon didn't even tell me if I had any abilities to protect myself."

With no further hesitation, Elrain turns her back on the Shadow Stalker and runs.


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In this story I had a Ludovia help me. I would like to thank Ludovia for all her encouragements. Her ideas are amazing! Thank you sooo much Ludovia. With out you, I would have given up long ago.

Please wait for the next chapter to come out~! Since the holidays are over, I no longer have time thinking up story plots. Please also comment on my writing, stating any error you find in it.

Thank you for reading.

Yours sincerely, EvangelineChan

P.S. If you did not understand the Shadow Stalker thing, than that would mean that you didn't read the second page in the first chapter. 

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