Chapter 3 - Why do you not tell me anything?

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Elrain runs down a dark alley, not giving a care to where she was running as long as she could get away. That was a huge mistake for she ran into a dead end. Elrain turns around hoping that the Shadow Stalker was still a long way away. She  was wrong, her hopes vanished.

"Just stay still and it will not hurt" it instructed, but sounded more like a threat.

A single tears goes down Elrain's face. "This is it" she thought to herself. "I really am going to die alone in the dark." She bends her head not daring to look and await her death.

There was a scream, surprisingly it wasn't from her mouth. She looks up and sees Vincent, sword in hand, battling the death reaper. As the reaper brought down the scythe over his head. Vincent steps aside avoiding the fatal blow, bringing up his sword and hits the reaper in the shoulder.

It screeches, a sound so piercing it made Elrain and Vincent wince. "I will be sure of it will never escape us.......never......never.........never..." with that, it disappears into the night.


All Vincent remembers was running down the streets calling her name. His heart pounding. "Where could she be?! She was not at the lake father told me! Where?! Damnit!"

He saw a wisp of silver hair gleaming in the moonlight. "It's her! It has to be!" He follows. He than makes out her form and a shadow running after her. "Strange".He thought to himself. "I have never seen anything like it. What's with the weapon anyway?"

He saw the weapon dive in for the kill. Putting up a burst of speed, he unsheathes his katana from it's scabbard and deflects the scythe looking thing away from Elrain. He tries to get whatever it was in the heart, but the katana only rebounded off the scythe thing and targeted the shoulder instead. It screamed and disappears. Vincent exhausted and tired, rounded on Elrain.

"What was that? Why was it targeting you?! What on Earth is going on?! Elrain answer me!" he says ,shaking Elrain. Elrain doesn't reply. "Elrain! answer me! Why won't you tell me anything?" He asks, unable to hide the emotions from his voice. Elrain hears the slight tinge of sadness and looks up into his pained eyes.

"It would be best if you don't know anything." she says avoiding his eyes.

Vincent couldn't help it. The moment those words had left her mouth, he had smacked her across the face. How could he not? The girl who knew him best (other than his parents :P) did not trust him enough to entrust him her secrete. And that doubt had stabbed him right through the heart while being slapped across the face at the same time. "Why?" he asks, his voice barely even a whisper.

"i am grateful to you and your family, you all have treated me kindly. Because of that, I don't want to endanger you or your family. I don't want to see you all dead because of me" she replies and runs down the street. Eyes filled with tears that seems to sparkle in the moonlight.

Vincent watched Elrain run into the night, her hair flowing in the wind. He watches and starts walking when she was no longer in his line of sight. 


Elrain was back in her own room looking out at the night sky. "It's funny" she thought to herself. "no matter when or how. When the sky is rainy, cloudy or windy, the moon still continues to shine brightly like the sun." Elrain couldn't believe it. A side of her felt guilty, for not telling Vincent and having faith in him that he would continue being safe even in times of peril. After all, he was a master swordsman. Another side of her however, felt angry. he had slapped her! how could he even understand what she was going through. "But yeah" she thought to herself. "he did not know what I was (what I still am) going through since I didn't tell him anything." Elrain looks at the time, it was past 1 in the morning. "Nathon will be expecting an answer today, and he will get it."

Elrain was reading the novel, Cinderella. She envied Cinderella very much, Cinderella who was a beauty and looker even though she was just a peasant. Elrain has always wished to look human somehow to be included in human society, but that wish never came to be.

She hears a tap on her bedroom widow. She looks, there was no one there. That was when she noticed a silver bird tapping on the widow. She opens the window and asks. "It's you, isn't it Nathon?"

Suddenly the bird disappears with a *whoosh* and in it's place was Nathon standing on her balcony's rail.

Nathon chuckles. "However did you guess?" already knowing the answer.

Elrain looks on unperturbed by his mocking tone. "I have made my choice. I will go with you, however are you certain that the Darkangel family will continue to be safe?"

"I won't say it would be 100% but I will say ....hmmm.....90%?" replies Nathon.

Elrain sighs. "That's good enough as long as they remain safe. By the way, can you teach me how to shape shift like you just did?" Elrain asks out of curiosity.

"Do you have some form in mind?" he asks, cocking an eyebrow.

" promise me you won't laugh?" She asks, doubtful as to weather to tell him or not.

"Don't worry. I won't" he replies.

"I want to look normal. Normal as in human looks." she says, waiting for his burst of laughter.

Nathon stares at her with an honest face, three seconds passed and could no longer hold it in. He bursts out laughing.

"Tsk! thought so" she thought to herself. "He just couldn't pass on that one"

"Sorry, sorry, sorry......." he says wiping a tear from his eyes. "It's's too funny"

"Oh? and what so funny about wanting to fit in?" she asks frowning.

"You see, many who gets these abilities always asks for something abnormal." he snickers and elaborates when he saw Elrain's confused look. "When someone gets ahold of this ability, they tend to ask on how to transform into a nine-tailed fox, alien, fairy, mermaid, dragons, etc. It's ridiculous really. However, here you ask for something sincere and honest. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just I was expecting for you to be one of those over the hill types. Well, enough talkin from me, you ready to go?"

Elrain nodds "I am ready."

"Well then, let's go." with that. Nathon opens a porthole.

Elrain looks back at her room once more and steps in. "Forgive me Vincent. In the end I was unnable to apologise." As she floated through the dimensions, the last thing she remembers before passing out, was of the time she and Vincent met for the first time. How he had just continued reading a book and that she had gotten angry at him. Her chasing him throughout the room. The two of them laughing.


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Thank you for reading~!

I had trouble with this chapter the end it came out well~!

I hope you all continue reading Crystal Tears.

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