Yugi Vs. Rare Hunter Part 2

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The two used Light Force Sword and used it on one of Exodia's pieces, turning it useless for three turns. Randomly Exodia's right arm was pierced. "Way to go !" She cheered. Pharaoh sacrificed a weaker monster  to summon a stronger monster, Summoned Skull to defeat the current monster that was defending it's master.

Stretching she pleasurably helped herself to the glazed maple  pastry she ordered. The Hunter used Sword's of Revealing Light. The Hunter bragged he had two copies of each Exodia pieces. This made her and the Pharaoh smile. I smell a weak spot~, she sang.

He relied on one monster. Instead of having a balanced deck all the Hunter had was spells and Exodia pieces. Exodia could not be properly summoned for three whole turns so those two were safe.  With a trembling hand he summoned Exodia's Head with 1000 Attack and Defense.

The Hunter fell into the trap, Chain Destruction. Exodia was pierced and the chain pierced the Hunter's Deck. He can't summon Exodia now, she thought. "Activate Dust Tornado !" The trap destroys one Magic Card and there went Sword's of Revealing Light.

The head was destroyed to by a beast like monster that was brought back. Not only that but the Hunter's life point's were attacked. Now at 0 Life Points Yugi and the Pharaoh were the winners. "No Master please," He cried. The Millennium Symbol showed up.

"We meet again Pharaoh."

"Remember me Pharaoh. Actually you don't, you were trapped in the Puzzle when I dueled little Yugi. Congratulations on defeating my Rare Hunter through he was the weakest Duelist in my Crew. The others are much more formidable. Pharaoh, I've waited for you for years, finally after all this time I  will destroy you." At this the Pharaoh looked surprised.

"I will not allow my other Rare Hunters to fail me like this one did. I have little time for this kind of foolishness so I've taken over his body and trapped his mind in the Shadow Realm. I am in control !" At this the body jerked like someone manhandling a doll.

"How do you control him ?" Pharaoh asked.

"By Millennium Items. We can also severe connection, like I did before with Bandit Keith," She answered. "You ! Remember my name, Marik !" He shouted. She was about to cut off the connection before he brought up the Egyptian Gods. "Only the Pharaoh can summon them and even then you can only summon the two. There's no way you will be able to summon the last," She pointed out.

Having had enough she severed the connection. "Man I knew that guy was weird but that guy was a big creep," Joey pointed out. He still does not know, she thought. 


She had the lead Mightyena Mega Evolve and lead the pack. Now even larger Mega Mightyena made the others look like puppies, the black shaggy fur covered his neck, the tail longer and larger. Legs were longer, covered in black feathering and had red claws. Even the ears were more developed.

The Rare Hunter was cornered. "For cheating you will be trapped in the shadow Realm !" With the glowing Millennium Symbol appearing on her forehead a shadowy hand grabbed the screaming man as he was dragged in the Shadow Realm.

"Your to late Kaiba and if you think you can summon and control all Egyptian Gods your dead wrong and don't forget I haven't forgotten what you did five thousand years ago," She warned before leaving.

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