Chapter 1

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Aura arrived at the other side of the ground bridge to find herself in another desert not too far from Jaspear. Even from where she was standing, in the distance she could see the Autobot base up in flames. The other Autobots, and the humans were safe. But not Optimus. She couldn't get him out her mind. That final moment they had. She didn't want to lose him again, but that was something that he choose to do. To save his team. His friends. His family. Aura just stood there as she watched the smoke from the flames soar up into the sky. She noticed a few Vehicons and Insecticons flying down towards the destroyed Autobot base. No doubt searching for survivers. She then looked over to her left to notice that at another giant canyon rock there was smoke coming out of it. "Strange. I don't remember there being another outpost near the base." thought Aura. Then she did some thinking. What Autobot was the only one who was still out there fighting the Decepticons. "Wheeljack!" Aura realized. She transformed into her motorcycle mode and drove full speed ahead towards Wheeljack's crash site. "I promised you I'd watch over the Autobots Optimus." thought Aura "And I'll do so, starting with Wheeljack."

Aura pulled up to the intersection infront of the destroyed Autobot. She hid herself behind a few giant boulders and transformed into her robot mode. She peeked over the boulder to see Megatron and a couple vehicons and insecticons searching the base. She quietly and quickly managed to sneek past them and ran for the mountain. She peeked the other side of it, to find half of the Jackhammer inside the mountain, with rocks and boulders covering the ship. Aura climbed up to the top of the ship, and pushed a rock out of the way of the hatch. She pulled on the handle and it swung open. "Wheeljack?" whispered Aura as she peeked her head inside the ship. She heard a male groaning noise coming from the drivers seat of the ship. She climbed inside the ship and slowly walked towards the seat. As she walked towards the seat, she saw something move, what appeared to be a hand. She transformed her hand into a blaster and aimed it at the figure to shine some light on it. That figure appeared to be, Wheeljack. "Wheeljack!" said Aura. She transformed her blaster back into a hand and help Wheeljack up to his feet. "Your hurt, badly." said Aura. "Ugh, Aura? What are... you doing... here?" asked Wheeljack painfully. "All the Autobots are separated all across Nevada. I spotted the base up in flames, noticed some smoke, did some investigating, and found your ship." explained Aura. Aura helped him out of his seat and set him down on the floor against the wall. "Go on... Megatron is here... save yourself." said Wheeljack. "No Wheeljack, I'm not leaving you." replyed Aura. She managed to fix most of Wheeljack's wounds he recieved from the crash. He wasn't fully recovered but it was enough to get him to stand on his own two feet. "That should do it." said Aura. She climbed out of the hatch and pulled Wheeljack up through the hatch to the roof of the ship. They both jumped down, landing on solid ground. "So whats your plan?" asked Wheeljack. "Well, I saved your life, so there's a start. I was going to go look for the others. But I don't know where to start looking." explained Aura. Wheeljack did some thinking then a smile came up on his face plate. "I got an idea. There was this old tactic The Wreakers used back in the war for Cybertron. If anyone got seperated from the unit, we would rendezvous at a set of coordinates. With any luck, we'll find Bulkhead waiting for us there." said Wheeljack. "Perfect. First we find Bulkhead and Miko, then we round up the rest." replyed Aura.

Then they both heard the sounds of jet noises coming from above them. They looked up to see two vehicons and Starscream emerge from the smoke in the sky, while shooting down at them. "Watch out!" yelled Aura as she and Wheeljack ran and barrel rolled out of the way of theshots. They transformed their hands into blasters and fired back at the Decepticons. "Back for more, Autobots?" taunted Starscream. In return he fired two missiles at them, and it struck the ground infront of them, sending the Autobots flying back and crashing back first against Wheeljack's ship. "Stupid missiles." muttered Wheeljack. "Your telling me." replyed Aura. Aura tried getting back up, but lost her balance and fell to her kness. "Kid!" yelled WHeeljack as he came to her aid. As he helped her up, Starscream and the two vehicons transformed mid air into their robot modes and landed on the ground a few feet away from Aura and Wheeljack. "Well, well, look who survived." said Starscream with a smirk. "Back of 'Scream!" warned Wheeljack. Starscream caught a sight of the female Autobot and smiled. "Why, who do we have here? The Cybertronian Princess has returned." said Starscream. Wheeljack looked at Starscream then turned to Aura with a confused and shocked look on his face. "What's he talking about?" asked Wheeljack. "It's kind of a long story." answered Aura. "Oh don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to tell him everything. Right before your interogation." said Starscream as he whacked Aura and Wheeljack in the face, making them on slightly unconcious. "Grab them, and bring them to Lord Megatron." ordered Starscream. The two vehicons did as they were told, and they all headed to the destroyed Autobot base.

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