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 Chelstopolis is a great author, this chapter is dedicated just for her.

The Famous Lie

Juliet Stephens has been obsessed with Christopher Rice since he was a teenager and was in a boy band with his brothers - back when he had a head full of curly hair and a baby face to go with it.

Juliet stuck with him as he grew up, separated from his brothers, and became the hottest and most popular thing on the planet. Everyone loves him. Everyone wants to meet him. Every girl wants to date him.

And because Juliet knows everything and anything about him, she knows that he hates that. He hates all the girls that throw themselves at him and try to get him to fall. It's his least favorite thing in the world.

So when her and her best friend Boyd run into him while spending the summer in California, she does the only thing she can think to do: She pretends she has no idea who he is.

Santa's Not Fat

At the age of five, Santa's son much look down and select a chosen one, one to unite with him on his twenty-second birthday and become his Mrs. Claus. Through those years, the girl must remain pure - and Porter's didn't. So Santa offers him a deal: Starting on December 1st, Porter has twenty-five days to get his correct chosen to fall in love with him, and if he fails, the position of Santa will go to his younger brother and his chosen.

bubbly_x10 thanks for the recommendation!

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