The Genie In The Lamp

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Author: Hyped_On_Coffee


"Oh, hello there" she then said with a voice smoother than silk and sweeter than honey. "Did you rub my lamp?"


All the Genie wants is to party with the Egyptians, check out the Greek Gods and gossip over the scandalous affair between Thor and Venus. However, what she has to do is sit in a confined lamp until someone comes and rubs the side.

Christopher Andreus is barely keeping his life together. Neglected by his heartbroken father whilst his mother and sister lay in hospital he is stuck treading water with nowhere to plant his feet. But then the Genie crashes into his life and turns everything upside down with her outrageous personality, obsession to gossip and three thousand year old sassy attitude.

Needless to say, ones thing is for sure; Chris won't leave this story unscathed

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