Chapter 4: Rebel Base

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Inside an obliterated stone building, hidden far beneath the surface, Donatello finds himself looking at a functioning base command, complete with a few computers and tables. As he looks around in awe, a few nearby rebel soldiers take notice of the trio.

"What is she doing here?" one voice hisses, his dark eyes focused on Destiny.

Other voices keep chiming in all around them, hushed whispers and little pieces of conversation that reach the trio's ears.

"...the traitor who..."

"...betrayed. Should've died."

"...don't want her here..."

"...gave us up. How dare she come back."

She tenses, but refuses to turn her face towards the whispering soldiers. Donnie notices the forlorn look in her eyes, only making his already terrible mood worse. Suddenly, the form of a man steps out in front of the three mutants, stopping them.

"I told you before, turtle boy, she is not welcome here," a familiarly accented voice sneers, pointing at Destiny.

Michelangelo growls low in his throat as Donnie gasps, recognizing the Asian man with the dragon tattoos all over his body.

"Hun?" the purple-masked turtle gasps.

The former leader of the Purple Dragons looks to Donnie, a look of amusement passing his lips. "Oh, look at who decided to show his face."

"We need to see O'Neil," Mikey interrupts, taking the attention off his brother.

"O'Neil?" Donnie whispers.

Hun snorts. "Of course, but not if that traitor is with you."

"That happened over twenty years ago. Her name is cleared."

Destiny places a hand on Mikey's shoulder, her face pained.

"Mikey, I'll go. Don't-"

"She's staying, Hun. If you don't like it, talk to your boss," the hardened warrior snaps.

Hun steps forwards, reaching towards Destiny, but Mikey steps between the two and slaps the gang leader's hand away. Hun's face twists into a sneer, and Mikey mirrors him without hesitation. Destiny tries to shrink away from the scene, her hair hiding her face as Donnie steps closer to her and wraps a protective arm around her shoulders.

"Touch her, and I will not hesitate to break your nose," the orange-clad turtle says coldly. "Out of the way. I've got places to be."

The Purple Dragon moves out of the way, allowing Mikey to lead Donnie and Destiny past him. Destiny hugs herself tightly, her body shaking. Again, Donnie is hit with a wave of sympathy and disbelief. The Destiny he knew would never drop into submission like that, nor would Mikey threaten Hun directly in such a way.

Everything he thought he knew about his family no longer applies to the present.

As they keep walking, Mikey and Donnie flank Destiny on either side so as to hide her from view of the skeptical soldiers. Still, she keeps her head down and her shoulders slumped, nothing like the confidence she used to radiate when she was younger.

"Hey rebel leader, look who showed up!" Mikey calls as they emerge into a large room.

Donnie's mouth falls open when he notices the woman bending over a table, her aging eyes narrowed as she pores over numerous papers. She looks up, her hair tied up in a bun with a yellow bandana, and her eyes widen.

"Do...Donatello?" she whispers.

"April?" Donnie mumbles.

She moves towards him and hugs him tightly, her face overwhelmed with joy.

"Donnie...oh, Donnie, it is you," she exclaims, pulling away from the hug. "Master Splinter always knew you'd come back. Casey did too."

"Casey! Where is that puck mouth?" the purple-masked turtle asks, his tone teasing yet happy.

April's smile falls, and Destiny and Mikey look away. The redhead looks towards a spot on a wall nearby, where a picture of the hockey player is hung, surrounded by flowers and ribbons. Donnie's heart sinks, but he tries not to let even more grief come over him.

"Oh no..." he whispers.

April doesn't respond to him and looks to Destiny and Mikey. She dons a sympathetic smile when she sees Destiny, to which the wingless wolf-girl waves a little.

"'s been a while," the former says softly.

"It has," the latter agrees.

"O'Neil, cast her out now!" Hun's voice sounds as he storms into the room. "Do you not remember what happened because of her weakness?"

Destiny's face falls as her wolf ears flatten, shrinking away from the enraged man. April narrows her eyes and crosses her arms, sizing him up easily.

"I remember, but that happened a long time ago. She is welcome here and you will not fail to remember that, Hun," she says sternly yet calmly.

The Purple Dragon glances at Destiny again, who refuses to meet his eyes. He lets out a long breath, taking off his sunglasses and cleaning the lens before reapplying them.

"Fine, but I will be keeping an eye on her," he threatens, turning and striding from the room.

As soon as he's gone, Destiny lets out a sigh of relief. The next moment, she shoots Mikey a hurt look, as if telling him that she knew she shouldn't have come along.

"Mzz O'Neil," another newcomer buzzes from nearby.

Donnie lets out a squeak as Baxter Stockman flies over and lands next to April, his giant pixelated eyes watching the group closely.

"Stockman, how are the repairs?" April asks, unflinching.

"Very good-zz. I think we'll be ready very zzoon," the mutated scientist reports.

"Um, why is he here?!" Donnie demands, failing in not sounding panicked. "On second thought, why is Hun here as well?"

April turns to her friend, running a hand over her hair. "We saved them both from being executed a few years back. They work for us now."

"Oh...awesome." He smiles awkwardly, although he refuses to put his bō staff away.

"April, Donnie has this crazy idea in his head. He needs your men to find Raphael and Leonardo," Mikey cuts in, crossing his arm across his chest. "Think you can help?"

She nods. "I can try."

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