10: Playing Around Before the Party Starts

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I pulled my favorite gray shirt over my head. It had the words, "live by the code" on the front in big black letters. Donald walked into the room just as I was pulling my hair in a bun. His eyes flickered across my chest and he smirked.

"Ash, could you at least be discreet about being an obsessed fan?" I felt my face reddening, and without a proper comeback I grabbed the pillow from my bed and threw it at him. He dodged it effortlessly and chuckled. "I would use the phrase 'you hit like a girl', but.. well you know." I laughed at him softly before plopping down on the bed. Donald followed suit and crawled up to the head of the bed.

My girls had been crashing at the guys' place since the incident with Kari and while I was incarcerated. The police assured me that Kari wouldn't be getting out any time soon; she was charged with first degree murder, assault, and a whole lotta other shit that I couldn't quite remember. Anyway, they sentenced like 3,000 years for just one sentence. As if Kari was going to live over a hundred. No contact with anyone except for extremely close family members, they said, and even those small visiting hours would be kept under heavy surveillance.

I was eternally grateful for her punishment, however. The thought of the feeling that suffocated me when the doctors told me that I would possibly lose my leg due to the amount of blood I had lost back at Kari's house... she deserved whatever was coming to her and a lot worse afterwards.

Donald smiled at me while giving my hand a tight squeeze, almost as if he was reading my mind. He grabbed the remote and clicked over until he found Rocket Power.

Rocket Power??

"Whoa..." I gasped. "Rocket Power is so old.."

"Yeah well, a lot of shows are old." He chuckled before continuing, "there are too many of us that miss our old Nickelodeon. Y'know, like 'Catdog' and 'As Told By Ginger'-"

"Oh my God!!" My hands flew to my mouth. "I thought I was the only person to remember that show!!"

"I know and like, 'Robot Girl' and 'Rugrats' and like, 'All That' n'shit?"

Donald and I spent the next two hours talking about older cartoons. Like no kidding, I had to go in the kitchen to make a snack. That's how serious this discussion was. There were so many shows that I had remembered in the process of just talking about it, and not to mention he brought an abundance of shows to the table that I had completely forgotten about. He later on explained to me that he had contributed to the program on Nickelodeon called 'Back to the 90s' or something of the sort. The program aires a couple of episodes from a couple of older shows like everyday.

"Wow.." I breathed, "it's like remembering the feel of what it was really like back then."

"Yeah," he smiled, "I'm really glad someone like, knows what it's like to get all nostalgic about the past."

We shared a moment or two of silence as we watched 'Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends' on the TV.

Donald kept his eyes on the TV as he spoke. "Y'know.. Ash.. something has been on my mind since the day you've been released from the hospital."

My noisy munching on the chips increased, as did my heart rate. Why did he have to say it like it's really important?

"Because it is really important, Ashley?" I looked over at him, confused. "You said 'why did he have to say it like it's really important' and I'm over here like, that's what happens when things are important. Tone change." He added emphasis on that last part by doing jazz hands and I laughed, silently making a mental note to myself to drive a stake through my own chest the next time I said something out loud on accident. How could I be such an idiot.

"I want you to live with us Ashley. You, Troian and Jasmine.. with us." I exhaled loudly. He had no clue what I was thinking of.

"Do you guys have enough room? I mean-"

"Ashley, we have more than enough room. Listen.. after the thing with Kari went down and you went to the hospital.. I can't help but feel like everything was my fault, y'know? Like Chance kept telling me-"

"Donald don't walk around carrying that kind of burden," I squeezed his hand, "it's not yours to carry. Did you shoot me in my leg?"

He cringed at the memory of it before responding. "No."

"Did you kidnap me also?"

"No, Ashley, but-"

"Then there's nothing else to talk about. Because I could be carrying a burden from the situation too. Like, maybe if I hadn't opened my big mouth in the first place, she wouldn't have came after me the way she did."

Donald opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out and I grinned at him. "Yes."

"What do you mean 'yes'?"

"Yes, I'll come and live with you, dude." Donald grinned at me before attacking me in a hug. "You're awesome, Ashley."

"You invite me to live in your house, and I'm awesome for accepting the invitation?.."




Three months had gone by ever so smoothly in the household. Well.. as smoothly as it could possibly get between six younger people. It took the crew about two weeks to get the girls' things out of their old residence and into the house with the boys. The girls each received their own room, as did the boys.

Ashley and Donald became the best of friends. Everything that Donald showed Ashley, whether it was the garden outside of his house, or the fact that he had a small obsession with 'Ren and Stimpy'.

Troian and Chance's fighting had grown more and more aggressive and frequent. It went from fighting about once a week to everyday, and the rest of the group decided to keep to the two of them preoccupied at all times. Y'know, in case Troian finally decided to reach up and take her pimp hand off the charger. Just sayin'.

Jaden was near several heart relapses over the fact that he got to see Jasmine everyday. Whenever he wanted, he'd knock on her door and the two of them would spend nearly the whole day locked up in that room doing things that weren't too inappropriate but would make any single person jealous. He'd flat iron her hair while she would listen to his music. The both of them were started to grow feelings for each other (well, Jaden's feelings intensified anyway), but the two of them were too afraid to say it.

Author's Note:
Anyway, this was a rather short chapter I know, but hey.. at least Ashley is all in one piece!
What did you guys think about the first drama in a long queue of twists? Be sure to like and comment please!!

Thank you,
fulltime-intr0vert ♡

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