11: Heartbeat

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A/N: Please excuse the extra long time skip (about a month or so), but I wanted to try and make more consecutive updates. Thank you.

Also, quick question: does anyone remember that song Delirious by Vistoso Bosses?? Kinda stuck in my head //:


"And this one.." Donald quickly wiped over the windshield with a paper towel before finishing, "is a 1997 .."

"Wow.." I trailed off without thinking. All day long, Donald had insisted on showing me all of his cars. Which was ironic, because I was petrified of driving. He insisted that he taught me as soon as possible, but I resisted every time.

"Aww," he pouted at me one morning one our way to the store, "why not?"

"Because, man. I'm already borderline prone to getting carsick. There's no point in it."

My astonishment caught his attention, and he raised up from his previous crouching position.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow. I quickly shook my head, and his lips formed a small smirk. He came a little closer to me. "What?" He said again.

"You know way more about guy stuff than I thought you did." I felt my face heating up.

Donald took that moment to laugh. It wasn't just any laugh either, not his usual small and short chuckle or chortle. This guy actually threw his head back, and cackled. I felt my blush now scorching my face, despite how cute his laugh was.

"Guy stuff?"

"Leave it alone alright! It was a bad choice of words." He chuckled again.

"So.. The Donald Glover isn't manly enough for you?"

"N-n-no," I stammered out, "it's not anything like that I just-"

"Nah, save it. I guess I'll just have to.." Donny popped his collar, "show you my manliness."

Okay. Then was my turn to laugh. "Alright Mr. I-Have-To-Prove-Myself. Where are you gonna start?"

He didn't say anything, he just looked at the ground, focusing on what seemed to be.. a rock? I rolled my eyes and leaned against the car, turning away from him. Leave it to Donald to be completely weird and awkward at the most random of times...

It was getting late, and I really had to start getting back to the house to check on Troian. She had gotten extremely sick after the concert all of us went to about three days ago. It was rained out and they had to cancel the thing about halfway through, but that didn't stop a virus from channeling in on Troian. Her immune system wasn't the best.

I took in a breath, content from the amazing day I had with Donny. I hated to tell him I had to go but-

My thoughts were cut off by the firm grasp of my arm, and I gasped before my lips crashed into his.

Soft, slow, lush. His lips took over and I couldn't think straight. I could feel his arm snake around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My heart was beating erratically against his chest; I couldn't keep it together if I tried, but I didn't want to anyway.

The bottom of his vans scraped across the driveway concrete as he nudged me to lean on the side of his car, lips never leaving mine. His fingers ran through my hair, and I swore that when my hands went to rest on his chest, his heart was beating twice as hard and just as fast.

I heard a small breath being pulled in from him before he pushed himself away from me.

My eyes fluttered open to see Donald, standing there, with his face flushed with red, hands in the pockets of his jeans, meeting my glazed gaze with his unreadable one.

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. My lips were buzzing, longing to have his against mine again. I finally had what I had been anticipating, and now there was no stopping me. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, not taking my eyes from him. Raising on my toes, I pulled myself closer and closed the space between us again.

His tongue darted out across my lips and I parted them slightly, inviting him in. His hands moved up my neck to cup my face and I sighed, melting in his arms. Anything to have him closer to me. Hot, his kiss tasted like the candy and other sweet junk food we had eaten earlier.

He pulled away again, and now his eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. "What?" I asked, breathless. He shook his head and backed away slowly.


If there was anything that I could honestly do for the rest of my life, it would be to hold Ashley in my arms like I was just moments after I pulled away. What did I even stop for?

Most likely, I stopped because the last time my lungs gave out like they just had, I was smoking some exotic shit Chance passed to me one time in the tenth grade. Naver. Again. Whatever he gave to me, it was hella strong, and I couldn't breathe right for hours.

I got the same feeling just then.. my heart rate speeding up, my lungs forgetting how to function, my brains fuzzing up.. and for what? Ashley?

Ashley kept my breathing like that all the time now that I thought about it- labored like I had been running all my life. And it terrified me. What if she's catching feelings? What if I'm catching feelings?

"What?" Her voice pulled me from my own thoughts. I would've cracked a smile had I not been scared straight. Her face was glowing, her hair fell all around her face from my fingers running through it. Her chest heaved up and down in small pants, lips and parted and puffy from my kisses.

I was at a lost for words. If I wanted to say anything before, everything flew out of the window for me. I didn't even remember why I kissed her in the first place.

"What?" She asked again, nervous. I couldn't do anything, my mouth was refusing to make words. She stepped for a second time and I backed away, focusing on the ground. What the hell was I doing?

She tensed up, I saw her freeze and heard her hold her breath. Then she brushed past me quickly, and I looked up after her to see her hopping into her car. My heart flew past the sky after that.

She was leaving?

I watched her car fly down the street, watching her finger swipe across her face. I wanted to shoot myself; there was a hit and miss with a girl I liked...


Fuck. That's what I'm feeling.

soooo? was Donald a dumb ass ? was ashley overreacting? gimme feedback!!

if you guys had ever caught it in one of my previous notes, I will be indeed starting a new story. If I'm not mistaken the title was Dreams to Coachella or something or the sort, but I've changed the title to  Situations. This story will be a little less predictable-haha, as if this story isn't unpredictable enough- but I hope you guys will stand by me with it like you have with this story.

Thank you so much,

Sunrise in the Palisades || Gambino Fan-FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora