chapter one

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Hi, thanks for choosing to read my book.  I will warn you using quotation marks is something that I absolutely hate.  I tend to get on a roll writing and I hate stopping and grabbing them so bare with me while I write this.  I will try and catch them before I post, also grammar is not a strong suit of mine so If you see something that doesn't make sense please comment on it and the story and please don't forget to vote!!!

Chapter one

When Kayla was eight years old and her older brother Nate was eleven years old, their parents and their favorite Aunt Rose and Uncle Ray took them out for a fun filled day of go carts and video games.  They got pizza a soda for dinner their favorite food, as they ate, their dad Dr. Ted Miller," told them that they were adoptive".  Both of the kids were shocked there mom Shelly, explained that they wanted to wait till they were old enough to understand what happened.  There biological parents, died in a horrible car accident, that both Nate and Kayla had been in when they were just baby's.  Nate was just over three years old and Kayla you were about nine months old. Thankfully you both only had minor injuries, and after a few days in the hospital you were placed with us as your foster family and then we went on to adopt you. 

Dad said, the state located some of your relatives, that include your Aunt Rose and Uncle Ray, but at the time they were unable to take you in and agreed to let us adopt you with the condition that it was an open adoption and you could spend time with your biological family, we agreed.  Our uncle said, we wanted to take you but as you know we have five kids, and at the time the economy was down and your aunt and I got laid off.  We could barely afford our family, and the rest were pretty much in the same boat as us.  Nate didn't take it very well; he stormed out of the kitchen and ran to his room, and slammed his door.  Needless to say we both spent a good year seeing a child psychologist, to make sure we understood, what had happen and how we felt about it. 

Over the years we adjusted and continued to love our adoptive parents and enjoyed the company of all of our adoptive relatives and biological relatives. As Nate and Kayla grew up, they excelled in school and in athletics, we they were very proud of.   Being smart allowed them to advance in school, meaning they stayed in there grade level but were pulled out to do the higher levels of school work.  One of the things Nate was able to do with the blessing of our parents was to graduate High school in three years.  He wanted to go to school and get into engineering.  The problem was his friends were horrible, to me and my friends and were basically bullies at school.  Nate managed to graduate with honors early and get into a great college.

My parents had been talking about moving into a new subdivision, but wanted to wait for my brother to finish school and before I started high school.  As it was going to turn out my grade school friends and middle school friends were going to be going to a different high school then I was due to where the school boundary lines were at.  So without me knowing it my parents went ahead and looked at new houses.  I came home from school and mom and dad were home. They had decided to put this house up for sale, there were a few things that needed to get done, and they hired someone to come in and help them stage the house. 

The first thing Tasha did was get us a pod storage unit and we needed to pack up a bunch of our stuff and put it in the pod so the house could be "de-clutter"  then she painted all the rooms to make them more neutral so people could move in right away.  She gave us two weeks to get it all done and we did.  Plus we had to keep the house clean, at all times for showings.  About two weeks on the market the house sold.  This thrilled my parents, only then to put the pressure on to find a new place.  They let me go with them on the house hunt and give them my opinion.  We found the perfect house, it was huge, and the best part was that with the down housing market they got it well under what it was really worth.  This house had 4000 sq ft; five bedroom four and half bath, with a great yard size, four car garage with a huge bonus room and a finish basement.  The finished basement had a bedroom and full bath and a lounge area.  The plus was it was closer to where my parents worked and only a few miles to my new high school.  They put in an offer and in a offer and it was accepted right away. So we got movers and moved in a few weeks later, mom and dad surprised me by giving me the basement bedroom and area as my own.  They said, I needed my privacy, and I was thrilled with that.  It took us several weeks to unpack everything and get the house set up. 

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