Chapter 1

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Shock overtook my body as I stared into Draco's grey eyes, full of hope and anticipation.

"D-Draco!" I cried out, "Of course!"

He slid the ring onto my finger, and moved up to kiss me instantly. I heard people beginning to applaud as I smiled into the kiss.

"I love you," I told him again and again for the rest of that night.

Before I knew it we were home, and I was showing my hand to my mother.

"Draco asked my permission before he left," she said giddily, "I'm so happy for you! Both of you!"

I hugged my mum instantly, pulling Draco with me. This three-way hold was so important to me - just like the two people in front of me. The only people who I truly cared if they were apart of my future.

We parted and Draco and I went upstairs. He sat on my - or ours, at least for the time being - bed, and sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He smiled at me, "I know we're young. People are going to be saying, "But you're only seventeen"! And yes, we are, but we're seventeen-year-olds who don't know how long we've got to live and what to expect next. We're pretending to be on Voldemort's side! He could kill us in an instant. So that's why I want to marry you now  rather than after seventh year."

I snuggled into his side, saying, "As long as we don't care, then there's no need to worry about everyone else."

"But... Won't we have to inform You-Know-Who?" I added.

"I suppose we do," Draco shivered. "But now my mission is over..."

"You're right, it's done now. He can't have anything against us! He lets your dad and Narcissa stay together, and they're both involved," I told him.

Draco smiled as we began to talk in the moonlight, a perfect moment for a pristine day.

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